Chapter Sixteen

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Dean unlocked the motel door and flicked the lights as he walked in. "What the hell were you thinking?" He scolded Sam. The younger brother was right behind him and held the door open for Ivanna. The woman was heavy in thought as her arms were crossed against her torso.

"What? What the hell was I thinking? What were you thinking?" Sam's voice heightened in pitch in surprised at his brother's words. He closed the door once Ivanna was through and stared at his brother offended.

"She's a demon, Sam, period. All right?" Dean argued back to his brother. Ivanna had decided to sit on the bed as she glared at the arguing brothers. "They want us dead. We want them dead."

"Oh, that's funny it seemed you also wanted us dead when you tried to shoot Ivanna. Or that demon chick in Ohio— didn't want her dead." Sam shouted, him pointing briefly to Ivanna.

"I did not try to shoot Ivanna. I would never. And, well, at least Casey wasn't stringing me along like a fish on a hook." Dean glanced at Ivanna as he shrugged his jacket off, he then turned to give Sam his whole focus.

"No one's stringing me along!" Sam yelled out. "Look, I know it's dangerous-That she is dangerous-but like it or not, she's useful." He continued in a calmer voice, trying to get his brother to see reason.

Ivanna sighed as she rolled off the bed from her seated position. She walked over to her purse and pulled out some Tylenol. She grabs a water bottle from the fridge and walks towards the bathroom, medicine and water bottle held in both hands.

"No! We kill her before she kills us. Right, Ivanna?" Dean exclaimed as he watched the woman walk past them. She simply ignored them as she shut the door behind her.

"Kill her with what? The gun she fixed for us?" She heard Sam's shouts, muffled through the now closed door. She sighed once more as she leaned against the door and closed her eyes.

"Whatever works." Ivanna sat down on the floor and opened the cap off of both her medicine and her water bottle. She jingled a couple pills into her palm and swallowed them. She then took a swig of her water and crashed her head against the door.

"Dean, if she wants us dead, all she has to do is stop saving our lives. Look, we have to start looking at the big picture, Dean." Ivanna stood up from her spot and walked towards the shower, turning it on hot, she hoped the steam would help ease the tension wracking havoc in her skull. "Start thinking in strategies and...and moves ahead. It's not so simple. We're not just hunting anymore. We're at war."

"Are you feeling okay?" Dean exclaimed to Sam after a moment of silence. Ivanna leaned herself against the bathtub, feeling the steam tickle her nose and the spray of water bouncing off the bathtub floor hit her hair and arms.

"Why are you always asking me that?" She heard Sam ask. It turned harder to hear them when their voices softened, almost gone from the sound of the water running.

"Because you're taking advice from a demon, for starters, and, by the way, you seem less and less worried about offing people. You know, it used to eat you up inside." Dean's voice boomed loud and clear. Ivanna felt her head explode with a spiking pain. She groaned as she leaned her head back, the hot water falling against her hair completely now.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Sam accused.

"Nothing, but it's just what you're supposed to do, okay? We're supposed to drive in the freaking car and freaking argue about this stuff! You know you go on about this sanctity of life and all that crap." Ivanna huffed as the argument continued and the pain in her head grew unbearable. She slowly stood up with a sigh and turned off the water, opening the door and walking out.

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