Chapter Two

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As night falls and those damn cicadas keep buzzing, Ivanna finds herself in a house Issac and Tamara took them all to. After popping a Tylenol dry to vanquish her headache, she heads towards Bobby who's inspecting the couples' wall of papers with sigils, and text, and a red line with pictures connected. It seemed like a supernatural detective board which intrigued both Ivanna and Bobby greatly.

After Ivanna takes a small inspection of the board, she pauses and takes note of her surroundings in the house. She hears Dean on a call "smooth talking" someone in the other room. She sees Sam touching of what she believes to be pieces and carvings made out of bone. She looks over to Issac and Tamara and watches as his brows scrunch together as he looks for something.

"Honey, where's the palo santo?" He asks throwing his hands in the air still attempting to find his missing item.

"Well where'd you leave it?" Ask Tamara right back, making a small smile creep its way onto Ivanna's mouth. She watches the way Issac's shoulders hunch together with tension and could feel the eye roll he had made as he was facing away from both women.

"I don't know, dear. That's why I'm asking." He replies back exasperated. Sam looks toward Issac causing the hanged bones to jingle.

"Palo santo?" Sam asks simply, eyebrow cocked.

"It's holy wood from Peru" and "Holy wood, Sam." Leave both Tamara's and Ivanna's lips at the same time. Both women look at each other, one with surprise and one with a fascination.

"You know palo santo?" Asks Tamara. Ivanna just quirks a brow and a small smirk.

"I read." Is the reply she receives back. Tamara nods with an appreciation gracing her eyes. As if remembering that not everyone knows of this holy wood, she looks back towards Sam and continues.

"It's toxic to demons like holy water. Keeps the bastards nailed down while you're exorcising them." She rummages through a drawer right in-front of Issac and pulls out a palo santo stake. She raises a brow and a smug look as she hands the stake over to him.

"Thank you, dear." He replies as he eyes the stake like a prized jewel. Ivanna walks towards the Sam saying.

"It's like killing a demon Dracula! Very fun in my opinion. And dramatic." She animated to him with hands playing along as if she were both Dracula being staked and the person doing the staking making Sam laugh at her. She grins a full grin back. Both Sam and Ivanna focus back in when they hear Tamara speak again.

"You'd loose your head if it wasn't for me." And seeing the look of love passed between them caused a warm sticky honey feeling to flow through Ivanna's belly.

"So how long you two been married?" He asks smugly, crossing his arms like he'd just solved the leading case. Watching his expression made Ivanna breathe a soundless chuckle.

"Eight years this past June." Tamara tells them as Issac lays a hand on her shoulder closer to her neck. He chuckles and pulls her in to kiss her forehead.

"The family that slays together..." he starts

"Right. I'm with you there." Sam cuts in before Issac can finish. Ivanna tilts her head to the side in thought as a squeezing feeling enters her chest. She realizes she's jealous as she's always been on her own. She sees both a couple and a family that have made hunting together their lives and for a moment wishes that could be her. She quickly blinks the thought out of her head when she realizes she has no need to be jealous. Having a family or a partner was not something meant for Ivanna. She had greater things in store for her.
She glances back into the present and sees Tamara and Issac still gazing lovingly at each other.

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