Chapter Nine

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"Bobby, it's Sam. We got a big problem. I found some sulfur and now I can't find Dean. Call me as soon as you get this." Sam's voice urged into his phone. Ivanna walked up to the bartender while Sam finished speaking.

"Hey, excuse me. They weren't there." She said as she leaned her elbows on the bar.

"Oh, well I guess you're gonna have to catch your jollies another night." The bartender replied in a mock tone. "Here, why don't you have a drink and relax, pretty thing?"

He waved for her to sit down and brought out a liquor bottle and poured a clear liquid into a glass cup. Ivanna felt the urge to scream settle in her throat.

"I don't want to relax." She spoke through gritted teeth. Her patience was at its limit and had run out. "What is it with the people in this town!"

Sam placed a calming hand on the small of her back, though his face was just as angered. The bartenders face screwed up into one of offense as he replied, "Suit yourself, princess."

He then downed the shot he had just poured. Sam shook his head and sighed deeply while Ivanna rooted her hands into her hair and pulled slightly out of frustration. She figured Dean could probably handle the demon, but with him being attracted to her it might distract him too much. That was what worried both her and Sam, Dean's recklessness.

Sam's eyes pulled towards a booth where he found the priest from earlier was seated. He nudged Ivanna with an elbow and nodded towards him. She retracted her hands back from her hair and glanced in the direction he was pointing out. She looked back at him and nodded. They both turned to face the man in the booth and then walked over to where he was seated.

"Father." Sam said as the priest pulled the glass of honey colored alcohol down from his lips. He looked up at the two and placed a soft smile on his face. The smile did nothing to ease the pit in Ivanna's stomach.

"Yes?" The priest asked simply.

"Umm... Can we talk to you for a sec?" Sam asked. When the priest nodded hesitantly, Sam took it as his cue to sit down in the booth. Ivanna stood standing for a moment before she sighed and followed in next to him.

"So the...The bartender the other night, Casey, you know her pretty well?" Sam started as he rubbed his hands up and down his thighs in a nervous manner.

"Since she was in pigtails." The priest responded.

"Well, umm, she and my brother, they, uh...They...left tonight. Together" Watching Sam stutter as he figured out the right words to say to a holy figure, truly pained Ivanna. She had little doubt that Sam's vagueness was needed though, after seeing the way he flirted with the girl he'd known since she was in pigtails.

"Ah." The priest's eyes flashed with understanding. "Well, not that I approve, but they are consenting adults."

"Right." Sam replied dejectedly.

"I'm sorry, you said brother? I thought the two of you were insurance investigators. And that you didn't know them since you were just a church goer." The last sentence was directed towards Ivanna.

"Umm, it's like a family business, you know?" Sam lied, voice a little too quick to be believable. Ivanna on the other hand replied smoothly.

"Well Father, I was at the bar earlier and recognized these two guys from when you kicked me out of your church and we got to talking. I was curious if you kicked them out, too." Ivanna made sure she blinked slowly and looked him deep in the eyes to make the lie more believable. Sam next to her, was shaking his head vigorously up and down. She watched as the priest only nodded a little, obviously not believing them.

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