Chapter Ten

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"Alright, okay, I'm sorry." Dean spoke as he opened the motel door and tossed his keys on the table. "I thought she was possessed, not just crazy."

Both Ivanna and Sam scoff as they follow behind him into the room. Ivanna hopped on her bed and slumped against the headboard after she tossed her bags down, next to it. Sam walked over to the coffee machine and started brewing a pot for the group.

"Seriously, I thought there was something here or else I wouldn't have called you." Dean continued to Ivanna. Dean had called Ivanna just a few days ago telling her about this teenage girl that was killing her classmates in the woods. When she was caught by the police, she only spoke gibberish and the devil made me do it. Dean would've flagged off the case since she was in police custody, but when headlines of her escaping got out, he thought this might be something up their alley.

Being lead to believe the girl could be hiding in the woods, waiting to lure her next victim, they parked the impala discreetly and had an all night stake out. About four in the morning, they saw signs of smoke rise in the air so they chased after it on foot. They could the girl by the fire, but when Sam splashed some holy water on her and Ivanna spoke Christo to her. There was no reaction at all. Ivanna then decided to feel her energy, only for it to be completely human.

The trio then called the police and tied the girl up to a tree to hold her there while they fled back to the car. They arrived back to the hotel just after dawn and were throughly exhausted.

"It's alright Dean, better paranoid than oblivious." Ivanna waved a hand in front of her body to dismiss his words.

"I agree, here Ives." Sam piped up as he walked a coffee mug to her. She took is gratefully while Sam smiled shyly at her. "I wasn't sure how you like it, so it's just black. I hope that's alright."

"Completely fine Sam, thank you." Ivanna said sincerely. Sam simply nodded and pointed towards the shower, letting the group know he would be taking one.

"What about my cup, Sammy?!" Dean yelled to Sam's retreating backside. Sam only shook his head and held his hand behind his back in a crude gesture. Dean scoffed as he stood up from his seat at the table and walked over to the coffee machine.

"Hey, Dean?" Ivanna called out softly while Dean poured the brown liquid into his cup. She looked over at the door, and when she confirmed it was shut, she continued,

"Why did you have the sudden interest in God and angels a couple weeks back? I never got a chance to ask you and it's been bugging me." Dean slowly placed the coffee pot back into its place and slowly turned around. She watched as his eyes fought an internal battle. Eventually, he puffed out some air and sat at the foot of Ivanna's bed, facing her.

"The demon, Casey? I was stuck in that basement for quite some time with her and she got to talking. Told me about how God's kingdom is failing and how the demons have their own plans on how to run this place. A better way, she said." He started. He was unable to look her in the eyes as he spoke, instead looking at the wall behind her. She had a feeling that talking about his feelings was hard for him, so she didn't push. She did however, scoff when she heard the demons plans to run earth better.

"Listen Dean, the reason these demons believe heaven is failing is because god gave us free will. Something demons don't have. All God did was give us life, but it's up to us to choose to be good or bad." She leaned forward and placed a hand on his knee to gain his full attention. She needed him to understand her words, before dismissing them completely. She watched as he nodded slowly towards her, understanding reaching his eyes.

"That isn't the part that troubling me though." He then told her, voice hardly above a whisper. Ivanna wouldn't have heard it if she wasn't already leaned in close to him.

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