Chapter Fourteen

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It had been almost two full months since Ivanna had seen the Winchesters last. She had made Dean drop her off at the airport after their adventures in Atlantic City. Ivanna, Sam, and Dean had spent four wonderful days blowing through all the money Bela had given them. Well, more Dean did, as he was terrible at poker. Couldn't hide when he was winning. Ivanna had chosen to spend most of her time, not gambling after watching Dean, but by the beach. The hotel Sam had picked was nicer than any motel, but still a reasonable price. Because of this, it was nestled by the beach, instead of the heart of the city. Their last day, Ivanna forced the boys to join her on the beach. While she sun-bathed, she listened to the splashing water the boys would through at each other as they played in the waves.

She had accidentally taken a nap, startled awake by water droplets being splashed over her body. When she opened her eyes, she was able to find the source of the sudden water. Dean was stood beside her body, his own leaning over her as he shook his head. She sat up quickly and pushed his warm, wet body away. He laughed jovially as he sat next to her. While he sat, she found herself staring at his body. She couldn't help herself. Gone were the excess layers he wore, in its place, simple swim shorts. She admired his tan, toned body, found herself watching as water droplets slide down his chest, through his abs, and past his shorts. She was broken out of her trance, as he sat down and huffed the end of his laugh. He then glanced at her, grin wide and saccharine, a sight Ivanna wished she take a picture of to preserve.

"You know, I can't remember the last time I got to spend the day at the beach. I can't remember if I've done it at all. Thank you." Dean told her as he leaned over and nudged her shoulder with his warm one.

"See, I knew you would enjoy being out here instead of inside gambling." She rolled her eyes lightly, a teasing manner, one he returned back.

"Oh, no. I would much rather be gambling, but this is nice." Dean remarked. Ivanna simply smiled soft and sweet in reply while Dean looked towards the sea. After a moment, he stood up again and stepped in front of Ivanna's toes. He reached a hand out and looked at her expectantly. "Now come on, as great of a view you're giving me from the ocean, and trust me the view is great." Ivanna slapped his hand away with a huff. He laughed at the effect his words caused her and put his hand back out in front of her. "Come into the ocean with me."

"Oh no, I'm very much alright right here." She shook her head at him, palms raised in the air. Not liking her refusal, Dean leant forward and picked her up. He used her outpaced hands to help throw her upper half over his shoulder, then he turned and marched towards the sea. "Dean! Put me down, right now!" She half screamed half laughed out. He simply ignored her, even as she hit back with her closed palms.

He got about knee level in the water before he threw her in. Icy cold water rushed against her once warm skin. She swallowed some water from her last inhale before the plunge, not being fast enough. When she resurfaced, it was the sound of men laughing. Her men laughing. She spit out the water from her mouth, her eyes darkened and settled on her target, Dean. She marched her way through the water as quickly as she could against the heavy water. Dean hadn't even noticed her approach, too busy laughing with his head thrown back, hands clutching his chest. Sam was stood next to his brother, laughing as equally hard. He actually was the first to notice, seeing the look on her face, he glanced mischievously at his brother and stepped away from him.

Ivanna grabbed both of Dean's shoulders, his surprise allowing her to push hum into the water. she held his head underwater, her smile high in victory. She felt his hands grab her waist, touch her skin. Her smile dropped for a moment, blush rising against her cheeks, though she still didn't allow the man up. When his fingers started to dance across her toned stomach though, she let go of him and jumped back. Ivanna quickly raced to hide behind Sam as Dean resurfaced from the water. Naturally her fun was ruined when she touched the younger brother's back.

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