Chapter Fifteen

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Dean thought Paul Dutton might be targeted next, so he decided that the group should tail him. That's how they found themselves sitting in the Impala right outside a bar. Paul was not in the bar, instead he was sitting in his own car, eating the food he had just brought out from inside the bar.

"God this is boring. And depressing." Ivanna complained. Both boys sighed and collapsed their heads into their hands.
"After this, we're getting food right?" She continued as she leaned forward.

"Sure, Ivy. We'll get food if this guy doesn't die tonight." Dean relented as Sam nodded in agreement. Then, Ivanna looked up with a small victorious smile gracing her face, and watched as Paul started thrashing about in his car.

"Umm, guys? Paul's not looking so good." Her voice was apprehensive, watching the scene unfold with inquisitive brows. When the man launched himself out of his car, Dean quickly turned on the engine to the car and sped the short distance to him. The man was kneeled over the pavement when the Impala parked and all three people got out.

"Check the car!" Dean yelled to Sam as he and Ivanna ran to the man. Ivanna placed her hands on the man's back and slammed her palm against it hard, attempting to help him throw up his contents. Dean was crouched by Paul's head so he could view both him and Sam in the car. "Sam, hurry!"

"Got it!" Sam yelled as he stood back up from the car. He then took a mini torch and lit the hex bag on fire, effectively killing the spell. Dean hauled the man up and leaned him against his car. He continued to cough and gasp as the spell started to wear off.

"Are you okay?" Ivanna asked kindly.

"What the hell is happening to me?" Paul breathed towards her, face drowned in fear.

"Someone murdered your wife. Now they're trying to kill you. That's what's happening." Dean explained to him.

"That's impossible. There's no way-"

"Well if we hadn't of been following you, you'd be a doornail right now." Dean continued to argue with him.

"Who wants you dead, Paul?" Ivanna asked, her voice a lot calmer as she crossed her arms against the biting chill. The man sputtered and Ivanna waited and watched on bated breath. "Come on, think."

"Uh, there's a...there's a woman." Paul eventually spoke. Ivanna released a puff of air as her earlier suspicions might've been right.

"Okay, a woman?" Dean asked him, his hand still placed on Paul's shoulder.

"An affair, a...a mistake." Ivanna clicked her tongue as she heard his words. She then looked towards Sam and raised her eyebrows, a disappointed grimace is what she received in return. "She was unbalanced. She was blackmailing me, and I put an end to it a week ago."

"What's her name?" Sam asked, tone strict. Even though Paul tried to plead his guilt into innocence, nobody gave it to him.

"Wha...What could she possibly have to do with what-" Paul stuttered out, his frustration rising. Ivanna's was also rising as she stepped forward and clenched her hands into tight fists,

"Paul, what was the woman's name?" She gritted out through closed teeth, her voice as calm as she could make it. The boys surrounding her, found themselves and little scared at the sight.

"Amanda, Amanda Burns." Paul eventually sighed out, his posture slumped in defeat. Ivanna nodded tersely as she stepped back.

"Alright, let's find an Amanda Burns." She exchanged glances to Dean then Sam, both nodding in agreement. The trio then started back towards the Impala.

"Wait, you can't just leave me here! What's happening? What if this happens again?" Paul shouted to the retreating group, his hands thrashing around in the air. Ivanna stopped and turned back to the man, her door held open with her hand and said,

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