Chapter Twenty Five

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"Anyone want some popcorn before we start?"

"Dean just play it already." Ivanna whined as she scooted her seat next to him.

"Alright, alright." He reached over and clicked play on the laptop.


"Hello. I am Harry Spangler." A man spoke into the camera. He wore a suit as he sat in a chair. A glass was sat in his hand, his other hand's finger swirling against the rim.

"And I am Ed Zeddmore." Another man spoke up. He was sat across from Harry, also wearing a suit but with the buttons and tie undone. "Now, if you've received this tape, you must be some sort of bigwig network executive. Well, today is your lucky day, mister."

"Because the unsolicited pilot you are about to watch is the bold, new future of reality tv." Harry lifted his free hand up and did air quotes around 'reality tv'.

"We know you've had it hard during the crippling writer's strike." Ed said.

"Lazy fat cats." Harry emphasized each word as he spoke.

"Who needs writers when you got guys like us?" Harry waved an arm dramatically across the camera, resting his hand against a metal turn dial, the lights dimming off as he turned it, "Our team faced horrible horrors to bring you the footage that will change your world forever, so strap in for the scariest hour in the history of television." Ed continued in a hoarse voice. They had lighting underneath their chins, attempting for an ominous feeling for viewers.

"In the history of your life." Harry continued, his voice sounding just as hoarse as Ed's.

"Strap in for..." Ed drawled.

"Ghostfacers!" They both said together, attempting menacing looks as they looked towards a new camera. Upbeat, pop music played as the Ghostfacers opening credits rolled across the screen. Ivanna giggled at Dean's introduction, him holding up a blurred middle finger. Then a startled sound got caught in her throat as she saw her name float across the screen.

She was introduced in slow-motion, a deep contrast to the before fast flashing scenes. She was standing up from the ground, her head whipping up, allowing her hair to dramatically follow in an arc. She heaved a slow, heavy breath, drawing eyes to her chest, the deep V of her neckline showing the bouncing skin as her named flashed right under, Ivanna.

"Hot." Dean said in a high pitched voice. Ivanna turned to glare heatedly at him.

"I will gut you like a pig, Dean Winchester." He grunted and shifted in his seat uncomfortably,

"Sorry." He mumbled out. Ivanna turned her attention back to the screen to see the credits ending. A blue sedan rolled up in the camera view, the two boys walking out holding suitcases with their title on the front. They walked in slow-motion, Ivanna scoffing as a car rolled past them quickly in the background.

"You know, it can get kind of hard balancing out daytime careers with our nighttime missions." Ed voiced over the video of them still walking dramatically slow.

"Yeah, but Ed and I pretty much call the shots at the Kinko's where we work, so we can usually pretty much get off by six...every night?"

"Yeah, six." Ed confirmed for Harry. The camera cut to them seated next to each other in a backyard. "It used to be just, you know, you and I taking on the cases...just Harry and me."

"Two lone wolves."

"And two lone wolves need, uh...other wolves." Ed played with his clasped hands while Harry looked stoically above him.

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