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It is said a baby is born every three seconds somewhere around the world. On August 8th, 1980 though, a special cry pierced the air. A special baby with a very special purpose that would someday be the reason the world was saved, many, many times.


Ivanna had always been a special girl, with her eidetic memory making her memorize practically everything in sight and allowing her to be a straight A student her whole life. Her almost super athletic-ness making her the captain of any sport she wished growing up. She should've been a popular girl and model student that everyone wanted to be friends with and every parent would be proud of. So why wasn't that the case?

The first incident started when she was only three years old and in her first foster home. The month of November had just started and she was tucked soundly in her bed. Then out of nowhere, her first nightmare ever struck.

Screams and a mumbled language no human could make out. Violent slashes to the air causing furniture, her favorite toys, anything in her bedroom to be flung around. Her foster parents come racing into the room ready to fight off the believed intruder. Imagine their surprise the hell they walked into. Ivanna was tucked safely in her bed while her room was in complete disarray. Her keepers, scared out of their wits thought she might've been possessed. The next day she was sent back to the system deemed "too old" to be cared for by her foster parents.

The next incident happened when she was six, then when she was eight all ending in a similar matter. When she was twelve and it happened again, she tried running from the system and foster homes. She lived in abandoned houses that often rich people would accompany in the summer season. That lasted a rough winter with no heat and an early spring of that year.

Unfortunately the owners of one of the houses she was occupying decided to vacation early as weather was so nice. Ivanna was back where she started. Alone, Scared, Afraid of her own self. She tried her best to be the perfect child in school and keep herself busy with extracurriculars so her next foster parents at fourteen didn't give her up. She excelled and learned to hide her visions and callings that she would get. She didn't understand what was happening until she turned eighteen. She'd finally outgrown the system and leapt into adulthood when she'd been told of her true calling.

She sat on a rooftop of an abandoned building drinking the finest wine a girl like her could buy, the shitty gas station type. She was positioned on the ledge drinking said alcohol and humming a song she'd heard ever since she was little when she felt the air change behind her. From a stagnant stale energy to a vibrating uplifting energy. It reminded her of how she felt when she woke up that morning. Giddy, Hopeful, Free. Turning around with a smile creeping on her face, she'd met eyes with a woman.

Something about this woman didn't seem ordinary though. She had the palest skin Ivanna had ever seen with the darkest locks surrounding her head, creating a very stark contrast. That wasn't even the strangest part about this woman to Ivanna. It was her eyes. Somehow both light and dark in color and holding all the wisdom and kindness in the universe. They drew Ivanna in like a warm fireplace on a snowy day.

"Hello Child of God. My name is Evangelos and I am a Messenger of the Lord. You are of age and it is time you know your place in this universe." She states with a kind yet dominant voice. Ivanna, a little drunk and wildly confused, could do nothing but scrunch her eyebrows as the angel moved her hand to her forehead. Two fingers touched the creased area between her brows when a blinding light exploded everywhere. Or maybe just behind Ivanna's eyelids, she wasn't sure.

Then she saw it, the Past, the Present, the Future of everything she was made of and to be. She was the unique way her birth came to be and how she would die and everything in between. She thought all the flashing images would fill her brain to capacity and explode, but after it was over all she could feel was tranquil and right. She finally knew her place in the world and what she had to do. She wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or if it were a dream, but she felt like going along with it all anyways. When she opened her eyes the angel was still present.

"Now you know my child." Evangelos stated. Poor Ivanna could do nothing but stutter some nonsense. A "what" being about the only word making its way out of her mouth.

"You will know more when the time is right. Every instinct you have and any calling in your mind, answer it accordingly. I cannot wait to see the salvation you will bring to all of us." And with in another blink, Evangelos was gone and so was Ivanna's sanity.

It wasn't until the next day that she realized it wasn't a dream and was actually her new life. A purpose. A need. A want. Something Ivanna had always dreamed to have.

A.N. Feel free to comment and vote if you're liking the story so far!!

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