Chapter Eight

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Dean eventually enticed Ivanna not to run back to the motel room by promising food. She thought back to the last time she had eaten and realized that was probably the source of her headache. She relented, though she pointed a finger at him saying, "You're buying."

So Ivanna had found herself in another bar, though this one was less crowded and had more seating. She sat in the middle of the boys at a round table meant for four.

Ivanna watched as Dean ordered the largest, messiest burger she had ever seen and wrinkled her lips in distaste. She politely ordered a Caesar Salad with a Diet Coke. She hummed as she stole Dean's fries from his plate while he stared at his phone with intent. This meant he did not see her thieving actions.

"You do realize there's red meat within striking distance right? Or that Ivanna is stealing your food?" Sam's voice entered Ivanna's ears as she watched him sit down. He had two beers in hand and slid one over to his brother. Dean, not even looking away from his phone, hit Ivanna's thieving fingers with his other hand that had been situated in his lap. This caused Ivanna to grumble and take a sip of her Coke.

"How many times I got to tell Richie he's gonna get himself in trouble?" Dean finally answered as he snapped his phone shut with a huff.

"Dean, you're assuming he's missing. I mean maybe he just bailed." Sam said, trying to ease his mind. Ivanna decided to keep her lips sealed around her drink's straw so she didn't say something rude about the man she despised.

"He's a moron. I mean, he's a sweet moron but he's not a coward." Ivanna nodded at Dean's first words then shook her head when he continued, all of this going unnoticed by the man heavy in worry. "He wouldn't just bail. I got to go find him."

"Alright." Sam agreed. Ivanna watched as both boys started to stand and huffed at her plate still mainly full of food. "Meanwhile I think I'm gonna trail this Trotter guy."

"Yeah?" Ivanna found herself asking. "I'll go with Sam, you know...Incase he needs help. Why are we going to investigate Trotter?"

Dean looked at Ivanna with agitation rising in his eyes but nodded towards her. Ivanna just looked at Sam with doe eyes, finally the one doing the ignoring. She probably would be better help doing something not involving Richie.

"I don't know, something about the way he looked at me last night. Maybe there is something going on here." Sam answered, his voice heavy in thought. Ivanna tilted her head and hummed an I agree to him. As the boys stood and Dean payed as promised, Ivanna took to shoving as many bites of her food into her mouth as she could. Dean scoffed at the sight and pulled her away by her jacket's arm.


Ivanna trailed behind Sam as he lead the way through the precincts hallway. Sam had guessed he would still be here for questioning from the police. Ivanna's feet moved silently, her steps lithe. Though Sam still stopped her with an arm held out across her front, and his other finger rising to his lips as he glanced back to her. Ivanna simply quirked a brow.

Sam leaned over the corner of the wall and looked into the hallways that branched off into an office. While Ivanna peaked over his shoulder by rising to the tips of her toes, she saw the very man they were looking for. Suddenly Sam's cell phone rings. He hits his head against the wall and races to grab his phone to still the noise. Ivanna had to cover a hand over her mouth to stop from giggling and she raised an incredulous eyebrow at Sam. So much for her not being the silent one.

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