Chapter Nineteen

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Sam was the first to wake, reaching over and slapping his brother awake, "Dean." He exclaimed loudly. Dean gasps as he startles awake, then the two of them turn to see Ivanna still asleep. They each place a hand on her shoulder and shake her. She jolts upright, almost knocking her head into theirs.

"For the love of God, woman." Dean breathes out, startled once again by Ivanna's outburst. He sits back in his seat and places a hand over his heart, trying to calm the racing thing. Ivanna ignores him as she squints and takes in their surroundings,

"What are we still doing here?" Her voice croaks.

"I have no idea." Sam shakes his head. A branch breaks, catching all of their attention. Sam looks from his brother then to Ivanna then back to his brother, "There's someone out there."

Ivanna is the first to exit the vehicle, the boys following soon after as she checks her knife is still in her boot.

"Good?" Dean asks her. She places her leg down and takes her hand off the roof for balance as she nods, now stood on two feet again. He then turns and walks forward, Sam and Ivanna following suit. Dean leads the group as Sam walks across the Impala to walk beside Ivanna, when a woman's voice sings out with the wind across the trees.

Stars shining bright above you, Dean turns around in place as he tries to locate the matronly voice. As he turns, a light is spotlighted over a woman seated across a plaid blanket in a white dress, a picnic. Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you",

Dean stops in his tracks as he stares at the smiling woman with blonde hair. "Hey." She calls out to him, her voice cheery and inviting. Ivanna stops in her tracks at the sight of the woman, it almost looks like her, but at the same time it didn't. It had her facial features, though more relaxed then she'd ever seen herself be, the dress she was wearing was also something she had never seen ok herself before, yet Ivanna found herself liking how she looked in a strange, strange way.  "You gonna sit down?" Birds sing in the sycamore trees, "Come on." The woman continues as she grabs a wine glass out of the wicker basket as her side,
Dream a little dream of me,
"We only have an hour before I'll be called away."

Say nighty night and kiss me, Dean's eyes flit to the ground, then he looks over to Ivanna, her still frozen with her mouth gaped at the scene,  "I've never had this dream before." He explains to her, his voice high with panic. He had yet to turn and face her fully, his body facing the Ivanna seated on the plaid blanket, his face facing the Ivanna standing in jeans. Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me,
Ivanna nods slowly after a moment, still in shock of seeing herself be in Dean's dream. She tries to shake herself out of her stupor and focus on the task at hand, she could deal with the feelings later, so she squares her shoulders and walks behind Dean. Ivanna refuses to look at him or the scene in front of her, instead looking around at their surroundings. "Stop looking at me like that." Dean speaks to his brother, feeling his pitying gaze on him and Ivanna. His voice takes an edge as he feels Sam step closer to him.

"Sorry." Sam apologizes, his voice small and his face twisted with awkwardness at the situation.

"Dean," Ivanna spoke, "I love you." All three hunters were speechless at dream Ivanna's words. Dean looked so tense that a strong breeze could blow him over with how taught his muscles were, not daring to move from the sight. Too much of a coward to face his companions behind them and see their distraught faces. Sam looked over to Ivanna, whose shoulders were just as tensed and was still refusing to look at herself, when a crackling sound sounded through the air.

The same static and lighting crackling sound that they hear when they kill a demon with the colt, or when Ruby uses her knife. It drew all of theirs attention to the scene, listening to how the music stopped abruptly and dream Ivanna faded in and out before disappearing completely.

Salvation - Dean Winchester Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz