86. Plan

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The glass of juice fell to the floor. The glass pieces shattered, and the juice was all over the floor.

"I am sorry, Phi. I didn't mean to. I am really sorry," Earth apologized immediately with a shocked expression. 

He was having dinner with his boyfriend at their new condo. They had prepared the dinner together (Kao did the cooking and Earth did simple jobs like washing veggies or stirring the soup.). A simple indoor dinner date.

"It's okay. Sit right there. Don't move. I will go get the mop and clean this up," Kao got up and left to get the mop.

The guilty and shocked look on Earth's face slowly disappeared. Looking at the large patch of stain left by the juice on his pajamas, he smirked victoriously.

He had pushed the juice glass down on purpose. His initial plan was to spill a bit of juice into his clothes, but his hand slipped, and the glass rolled off the table. But it had made his actions look more natural that he didn't raise Kao's suspicion.

He peeked at the kitchen to see if Kao was coming. After making sure that the latter wasn't, he picked up the other glass of juice and poured it drop by drop on his pajamas making the stained area on his pajamas look bigger.

Upon hearing the footsteps, he placed the glass back and acted innocent once again. 

Kao came back with a mop and a dustpan. He gathered the broken pieces of glass with the mop and picked them up with the dustpan.

He was really upset. He had put a lot of effort into this dinner. He specially prepared Caprese Stuffed Chicken for Earth. He wanted to enjoy the time with his boyfriend. Just a glass of juice had managed to ruin the evening for them.

His company had recently acquired a new firm, which meant that he was going to get busier. At least for the upcoming three to four months, he might not be able to take a vacation much less come all the way to Chiang Mai to see Earth. 

By the time he would be free, Earth's exam time will start, and he will have to wait longer to spend time together with his boyfriend.

That was the reason why he wanted to make the most out of this visit. Little did he know that his boyfriend also had planned to 'make the most out of this visit.' 

Kao put the glass shattered pieces in a newspaper and wrapped them in thick layers of wrappers making them into a bundle before throwing them into the trash. This was a habit he picked up from Ohm. It was to prevent the stray animals who rampage through the trash from getting injured by the glass shreds.

Having mopped the floor, he cleaned the mop. 

Earth walked over to him and stood at a distance, admiring his man. His man was so efficient.

Kao turned around and saw Earth standing there and staring at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing," Earth shrugged playfully. "Can I borrow your clothes? The juice fell on my pajamas." He showed the stain on his clothes. "It's kind of sticky."

"But wouldn't my clothes be big for you? How about you change back to your school uniform?" Kao suggested.

"I already put my uniform to soak, Phi" Earth had long foreseen this question from Kao and had purposefully put them into the washing machine. "I don't have any other clothes with me do."

Kao could only agree to Earth as he couldn't let the latter to keep wearing the juice-stained clothes.

Earth happily skipped away to the master bedroom to change. Step one of his plans to seduce his boyfriend was complete.

Kao looked at the half-eaten dinner and sighed. He just sat there and waited for Earth to come out. His mood was turning bitter.

After a few minutes, Earth came out of the bedroom, dressed in Kao's white shirt. Due to the difference in physique, Kao's shirt looked really big on him. It looked as if a child was wearing his father's shirt.

"P' Kao, how is this?" He posed in front of his boyfriend. "Do you think this is too short?" He tucked the hem of the shirt that reached the mid-thigh level.

Kao's gaze fell on the pair of smooth, slender legs that were barely covered by the shirt. Some unwanted thoughts suddenly surfaced in his mind. He felt heat pooling up at the pit of his stomach.

He looked away and said. "Come and eat. The food is getting cold." There was little bit of hoarseness in his voice due to the presence of the intrusive thoughts that he was trying to get rid of.

Earth smirked internally. He was very proud of the reaction his boyfriend had just shown to his appearance. That was exactly what he wanted. 

He smilingly took the seat across his boyfriend. He was sure that he would succeed tonight. He tried starting small conversations so that the older guy wouldn't figure out that he was going everything deliberately.

Kao on the other hand had all his concentration on the food. He was an innocent virgin like Earth. He had ventured into the wild several times. And for sure he knew that his line of thought wasn't going in the right direction.

If Earth wasn't a minor, maybe he wouldn't have had a problem about having such thoughts. But Earth was still a child, and he couldn't ask the teenager to fulfill his physical needs.

Kao knew that he might need to employ his hands or take a cold shower if this continued. Earth's parents had entrusted him with their son with great trust in him. He couldn't betray their trust and prey on the young boy.

Earth frowned when he saw that Kao wasn't paying attention to him anymore. That was not how he planned it. He thought for second and then removed his slippers before stretching his leg underneath the table to rub against Kao's legs.

Kao shuttered and jumped up at the mere skin-to-skin contact. He looked at Earth with horror in his eyes. This kid was seriously provoking him. "What are you doing, Earth?"

"Why are you reacting like this, Phi?" Earth looked completely innocent on the outside but was laughing happily on the inside seeing the shade of red that was creeping up his boyfriend's neck. 

" I was just calling you. I have been talking on and on for a while now and you are paying no attention to me. Is there something bothering you, phi?" He asked with a pout.

"That, I~" Kao cleared his throat. "I was just thinking of some work stuff. That's all." He lied.

"Work stuff?" Earth knew that it wasn't true, still he decided to play along. "If you were that busy, we could have cancelled this dinner na. Once my clothes are dry, I can take a cab back home. You can continue with your work then." He said with a sad expression.

"That is not what I meant, Earth. Phi is sorry na that Phi wasn't paying attention to you." Kao apologized almost immediately.

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