47. Beer

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“Fluuuukeee” a drunk Earth pulled on the hem of Fluke’s oversize tee, pulling the latter to snuggle with him in the fluffy bean bag. “Come here, na.” he tried to hug Fluke’s waist.

Fluke was feeling a little tipsy. He had only taken a few sips of the beer just enough to know what it tasted like. Among the four friends in the room, he was the only one who was somewhat sober. Prem and Sammy were on the other side bickering to each other in a language unknown to the human species.

He took away the almost empty can of beer from Earth’s hand. The petite guy with pink-tinted cheeks whined in protest as the can was taken away. “I am not done. Give it back.”

“Earth, that is enough. This is the third can of beer you are drinking.” Fluke spoke sternly as he moved the rest of the alcohol away from Earth.

He was really worried about his friend’s condition. Unlike Sammy and Prem who were already drunk by the first can of beer, Earth was taking no name of stopping even though he was wasted.

“Nooooo” Earth whined reaching out for the beer cans. he tried to get up but lost balance and fell back to the bean bag.

Fluke didn’t listen to Earth and took the unopened cans left in the carton to the mini refrigerator in his room. He couldn’t keep the beer cans in the main refrigerator in the kitchen as he was afraid that the cleaning staff would find them and report to his uncle and aunt. If that were to happen, then all four of them would be spanked without mercy for drinking alcohol.

“Oh, Fluke, there are two of you. No, three hehe.” A drunk Prem said pointing his fingers at Fluke. The alcohol was messing up his mind. “Wadee Flukes.” He giggled.

Fluke rolled his eyes at the drunken mess Prem had become and looked at the living area that looked like a war had happened there. If any of the parents were to come over in the morning, then this would be their last night staying together for a sleepover.

Sighing heavily, Fluke went to the kitchen to get a trash bag. He had to clear the war zone before going to bed.

Standing in the middle of the room, Fluke didn’t know where to start cleaning from. After giving it much thought he started cleaning by picking up the empty cans. There were both cans of beer and soft drinks.

Sammy felt that the beer was too bitter and Prem had suggested the idea of mixing beer with the carbonated soft drink. The duo had taken the largest bowl available in the house and emptied two cans of beer with one can of lemon-flavoured carbonated soft drink and made a mix of it. they had half of the bowl each and were already drunk.

Fluke was quick enough to replace the rest of the beer cans with similar soft drinks. Or else, he might have been cleaning the duo’s vomit by now.

Having collected all the empty cans, Fluke moved forward to pick up the pizza boxes. They had ordered pizza for dinner as per Prem’s plans.

“That is mine.” Sammy snatched the pizza box that Fluke picked up. It had two slices of pizza left in it.

“Alright, it’s all yours,” Fluke said in a surrendering tone. He wasn’t in a mood to argue with Sammy. He sighed again as he watched Sammy, who seemed to be possessed with the spirit of Tarzan and was walking on all fours, holding the pizza box close to her chest while keeping her gaze on him.

“You can have it all Sammy. I don’t want it.” Fluke tried to reason with Sammy. “I only want the box.”

But his words were of no use. Sammy was eyeing him like a hawk. In the end, he gave in and turned around to see Prem standing on the couch.

“Kaaa meee haaa meee haaa.” Prem made the hand gesture like his favorite character Goku from the anime Dragon Ball Z. He was aiming the attack at Fluke. His hands were brought to the side as if collecting a large amount of Qi for the Qi blast.

With a long sigh, Fluke looked at the ceiling. “What the hell did I sign up for?” he questioned himself. He was so done with his friends. He swore to himself that he wasn’t going to allow them to touch alcohol until the day they turned adult.

“Hey, Hey. Be careful” Fluke ran to support Earth who was coming out of the washroom and tripped on his own feet.
“Aw, it’s my baby Fluke.” Earth squeezed both of Fluke’s cheeks.

“Did you wash your hands after peeing?” Fluke asked moving his face away.

Earth giggle. “Flukie, I love you, na.” he kissed Fluke’s cheeks and Fluke sighed for the umpteenth time. “I don’t want to go to bed yet.” He whined when Fluke tried to lead him to the bedroom. “I want to stay here.”

“Alright. As you wish your highness.” Fluke surrendered and dumped Earth back to the bean bag groaning in pain as Earth clung to his neck making him lose balance and fall on the bean bag with the latter.

Earth giggled and let go of Fluke’s neck. Fluke massaged his aching neck and got up.

“Flukie, sing a song for me, na,” Earth said hugging the soft plushie. “I want background music for an aching heart.”

Fluke glanced at Earth and headed to his room to get his guitar. He was thankful that Earth hadn’t cried the whole day. If Earth did, he himself might have lost it.

By the time he returned, Sammy and Prem were already in the giant fluffy bean bag with Earth.

He just shook his head and took a seat on the bar stool he dragged to the living area from the kitchen.

“What song do you want to hear?” Fluke asked tuning his guitar. He was happy to sing as long as the other three behaved.

“Anything that can accompany my mood,” Earth spoke incoherently.

Fluke was amazed at Earth’s ability to hold liquor. He was sure that once they grew up, Earth had the potential to be a heavy drinker. He slowly started singing.

You're the reason for smile.
You're the reason for humming.
I can't live, can't live,
Can't live (without you), O beloved.

O moment, don't go anywhere,
If possible, stay here for all life.
I can't live, can't live,
Can't live (without you), O beloved.

The three drunk friends on the bean bag swayed side to side as the song progressed. Earth had his eyes closed as he immersed himself in the melody. He was in no mood to cry anymore.

If there is sun, you get the shade,
In the rain of wishes,
get drenched with me.

Whatever we get, we'll manage in that.
Some joys, some tears,
we'll divide between us

Earth was smiling widely as he watched Fluke sing. He was rather lucky to have a best friend like Fluke. He still remembered the day Fluke swore to become a good singer and the reason was none other than him.

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