13. Y-Fiction

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"Ray walks ten meters towards the south turning to the left he walks twenty meters and then moves to his right. After moving a distance of twenty meters he turns to the right and walks twenty meters. Finally, he turns to the right and moves a distance of ten meters. How far and in which directions is he from the starting point?" Fluke read out the question.

"Ho, why didn't that idiot just stay still?" Prem groaned throwing his pen on the table.

The four friends were sitting in their common hangout, the comic store around the corner from their house. The owner of the comic store was an old man who let the group of four use the second floor of the comic store as their hideout.

The four often spend their free time there reading comics and chilling.

"Prem, we need to finish this today," Fluke said in a stern tone, compelling Prem to pick up the pen again and start working on his math assignment.

"Why is it only me?" Prem sulked. "Look at Sammy! She is reading comics here." Prem pointed his pen at Sammy who was giggling as she read a comic book.

"Her group had already finished their assignment. It is just our group that is left. And in our group, just you." Fluke said flipping through the questions.

"Can't I just copy your answers, Fluke?" Prem asked pouting.

"No. Each of us has a different set of questions. Also, Achaan Moni has her eyes locked on you after seeing your performance in the last surprise test. She will most probably call you in front of the class to solve the problems." Fluke said passing the sample questions to Prem.

"Where is Earth by the way?" Prem asked adjusting the A4 papers in front of him.

"He must be with his P' Kao. When does he have time to hang out with us nowadays?" Fluke shrugged.

"Speak of the devil," Prem said looking at the entrance of the room.

"You guys were talking about me?" Earth asked handing the bag of snacks to Fluke as he sat in a cross-legged position on the cushion next to Fluke.

"Fluke was just saying that you don't have time to hang out with us anymore," Prem said before starting to note down the assignment question on the white paper.

"Really Fluke?" Earth turned to Fluke who was eating chips he had just bought.

"What? I was just telling the truth." Fluke had his cheeks puffed up like a hamster as he ate.

"It is always you who asks me to spend time with P' Kao, giving me new ideas. And now you are complaining?"

"I was not complaining dude. And don't say that I am giving you ideas. You were so sad that P' Kao will be leaving soon. That was why I asked you to spend more time with him. Don't blame me." Fluke crushed the plastic wrapping of the empty potato chips packet and threw it into the dustbin.

"Now, two of you don't start fighting." Prem played the peacemaker.

"Who is fighting? We were just talking." Earth said getting up from the cushion and walking over to Sammy who was lying on the couch. "What are you reading?" Earth asked curiously.

Fluke followed Earth "The CEO and his little secretary?" Fluke read out the title of the comic Sammy was holding. "Y- Fiction?" Fluke raised his eyebrows.

Sammy nodded and sat up excitedly. "Fluke, do you read these?"

"Not really. I had seen the girls in our class read some of these. It's kind of fun actually." Fluke remarked.

"Right? Oh my god. I so love these." Sammy shrieked.

"What's Y-Fiction?" Earth asked as he flipped through the bunch of comics Sammy had bought over to read.

"Y-Fiction means boy's love stories. You know gay love stories with a lot of fluff." Sammy explained.

"Doesn't gay mean the love between two men? Why are you reading that?" Earth found Sammy's preference weird.

"Because it is so romantic. Nothing in the world is better than shipping two handsome men." Sammy clamped her hands looking far away dreamingly. "Do you know how many ships are there in our school?" Sammy asked.

"We have such ships in our school as well?" Earth was amazed by the information.

"Yes. For example, you and P' Title, Fluke and Prem." Sammy listed out a few more ships.

"Me and him?" Prem pointed his finger at himself and then at Fluke. "Ew." Prem acted as if he wanted to puke.

Fluke ignored Prem's actions and turned to Sammy. "So, who is the top and who is the bottom?"

"Fluke, you sure know many things." Sammy smiled mischievously and patted Fluke's shoulder.

"Hey, what is a top and what is a bottom?" Earth asked innocently. He was clueless in the whole discussion.

Sammy was about to explain when Fluke motioned her to stop and called Earth to come closer.

Fluke leaned in and whispered something in Earth's ear.

Earth's face turned red as he listened to Fluke's explanation. He smacked Fluke's shoulders feeling shy.

Fluke laughed seeing Earth's reaction.

"But what does Y stand for?" Prem asked scratching his head with the back of his pen.

"Y stands for Yaoi, which refers to the group of teenage female audience who are interested in such books," Sammy answered.

"Oh? I used to think that Y stood for the Y chromosome in the male DNA." Fluke said.

"Only a nerd like you would think something like that," Prem said.

"Don't call me a nerd," Fluke picked up a cushion and threw it at Prem precisely hitting him on the back of his head.

"Damn it, Fluke!" Prem cursed.

"Seeing, the two of you bicker like this I can't help but ship the two of you together," Sammy said delusionally.

"You can ship us. But I am the top." Fluke said smirking. "'FlukePrem' how does that sound?"

"Will you stop it, Fluke? I can't believe that you are encouraging her in this." Prem was annoyed.

"Why? Are you afraid that you will end up falling in love with me?" Fluke moved to Prem on his knees.

"Hey, Hey... what are you doing?" Prem was trying to push away Fluke who was wrapping his hands over him and looking at him flirtishously.

"Darling, how about we spend the night together?" Fluke winked and blew him a kiss.

"Ah..." Prem freaked out and moved away from Fluke.

Sammy and Fluke burst out laughing as they watched the horror on Prem's face. The duo high-fived as they continued to laugh.

Prem grabbed a bottle of water and gulped it down in one go to calm himself down after the terrifying experience. He eyed Fluke wryly.

Fluke blew him another air kiss causing him to sprout out the water he had in his mouth.

"Oh God, this is hilarious." Sammy clenched her stomach and wiped the tears that were formed from laughing so hard.

While the other three were talking, Earth was lost in his own world, thinking about something serious.

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