71. School

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Prem was sweating bullets as he sat on his seat. He could hear students discussing about the incidents in the past few days.

Even though the matter of a student being stabbed in the school premises was completely buried by the influence of school authorities, Prem was worried that he might get caught as they were looking for someone to take the fall for the whole incident.

He was startled when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He spun his head and saw that it was Fluke.

"Why are you being so jumpy so early in the morning?" Fluke asked with a carefree while settling down on the seat next to Prem's.

Prem couldn't comprehend how Fluke could be so calm after all the storms he had created. "Why are you sitting here? Where is Guy?" He looked around for his benchmate.

"Earth is skipping school today. I don't want to sit in front alone. So I asked Guy to sit elsewhere." Fluke said nonchalantly while yawning. "I think I could get some sleep here." He stretched himself like a lazy cat and laid his head on the desk to sleep.

Prem was left speechless. He did agree with the fact that his seat was indeed a good place to take a nap during class hours. But for a frontbencher like Fluke to take over the place didn't seem right to him.

Before he could ask anything else, Sammy interrupted them.

"Guys, did you hear? Achaan Chakree got dismissed!" She exclaimed in excitement.

Prem was in no mood to entertain Sammy. "The whole board of directors got dismissed, Sammy." 

"I know, but what actually happened that everything changed?" Sammy was still clueless about the whole chaos her friends were involved in.

"No idea." Prem shrugged, acting as if he didn't know a thing. But he knew that the dismissal of the board of directors was because they tried to protect JJ and also because of the drug squad.

Sammy frowned and turned to Fluke who had his eyes closed. "Flukie... Flukie, wake up!" She shook him up.

"What happened?" Fluke sat up groggily. 

"Do you by chance have any idea why the board of directors were dismissed?" Sammy asked.

Fluke glanced at Prem, who looked away. "I heard that it is because of those videos that the police caught from Achaan Chakree." He half lied.

"Au?" Sammy was puzzled. "But why would the board of directors be dismissed? Isn't it all Achaan Chakree's fault? Isn't it enough to take action against him?"

Fluke sighed and explained. "It is said that those videos contained evidence that some students of this school had been extensively bullied by some other students. The board of directors had to take responsibility."

He couldn't tell the truth to Sammy as she wasn't involved in Earth's incident. He couldn't let her know that Kao had a huge role in kicking every single one of those people who backed JJ and his friends out of the school.

"Really?" Another student who had been listening to their conversation asked. "Who was being bullied?"

Bullying was strictly banned in their school. If someone was bullied despite such strict rules, then it was the management's fault.

"I don't know much details," Fluke answered before going back to his sleep.

Sammy was still confused. "Why is Earth skipping school today?"

It wasn't normal for Earth to skip for no reason. He had almost a hundred per cent attendance in school every year.

"He is sick," Fluke answered without raising his head.

"Sick? What happened to him?" Sammy felt as if she had missed out on a lot of things during the weekend.

"Sam, we are trying to sleep here. Can we talk some other time?" Fluke didn't want to answer all of her questions.

Sammy pouted and left the two friends alone. She already noticed that her friends seemed to be hiding something from her. She was planning on confronting them later on.

Once it was the lunch break, Sammy dragged her two friends to their hideout.

"Sammy, what are you doing? Let us go." Fluke whined. 

Sammy finally let go of their hand. She was stronger than an average girl and her grip had left bruises on Fluke's wrist.

Fluke pitifully looked at the red mark on his wrist.

"Now, tell me!" Sammy demanded ignoring her friend's complaining eyes. She crossed her hand across her chest as she tapped her leg on the floor.

"Tell you what?" Prem was grumpy as he was hungry. Food was the only thing he could think of.

"Whatever you two are hiding from me!" Sammy eyed her friends alternatively. "Don't try to deny it. You two are definitely hiding something from me. Come on spill it. What happened to Earth? Why is he absent? I am sure that it is not because he is sick. I know him well. He would crawl to school even if he had high fever."

Prem lowered his gaze glancing at Fluke who was the same as him.

"Alright, I understand." Sammy declared making her friends look at her face.

They were shocked to see that Sammy was tearing up.  "Sammy, why are you crying?"

"I know you guys don't want to be my friends anymore." Sammy sobbed.

Prem and Fluke looked at each other. It seemed like their bestie's periods were here and she was having mood swings. They had to do damage control before things got out of control.

"Sammy, come here, sit." Fluke held her sat on the old couch, while he gestured Prem to get some tissues. It wasn't that he wanted to keep everything a secret from her but the problem was that Sammy could be a loudmouth sometimes and might end up spilling everything to others.

Prem handed the tissues to Sammy and sat on her other side. "What made you think like that?"

"You guys are keeping secrets from and you three no longer hang out with me." Sammy wiped her snort and tears in the tissue she was handed. "Past weekend, none of you even bothered to give me a call."

"Didn't I give you a call?" Fluke asked in surprise.

"Yeah, to tell me that Achaan Chakree had been making  perverted videos of girls in the school." Sammy snorted.

Prem looked at Fluke with a shocked expression. He did have a hinge that Achaan Chakree getting caught and being dismissed had something to do with Fluke, but he never expected that the latter would use Sammy to fulfil his mission.

Fluke avoided his gaze guiltily. He knew that Prem had many questions to ask him.

"See, See. This is what I was talking about." Sammy pointed at her two friends who were talking with each other through their eyes. "You guys are all best friends and I am no longer one of you."

"There is nothing like that, Sammy." Prem hugged her. 

"Then tell me why you didn't call me at all the past two days," Sammy asked.

"I was sick, Okay?"

"He stood under the shower too long jerking off that he caught a fever," Fluke added as Prem glared at him.

"Alright, you caught a fever. What about Earth? Did he also get a fever because he was in the shower with you?" Sammy asked sarcastically making Fluke laugh out loud.

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