17. Red Love

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"Tan tada," Prem screamed pulling off the huge blanket, revealing the red gearless scooter.

He was grinning ear to ear as he waited for Earth's response.

"I can't believe that you guys managed to save enough money to buy this one by yourselves." Earth looked at the scooter and then at Prem and Fluke in amazement.

Prem's face was filled with pride. He had been wanting to get himself a scooter since a long time ago but couldn't as he was too young. Now that he is sixteen, he pooled his savings with Fluke's to get a second-hand scooter.

"He gave us a huge discount, thanks to Fluke's bargaining skills," Prem said looking fondly at the scooter.

"We named her 'Love' as in red for Love," Fluke said.

"It seems to be in good condition," Earth said checking out the scooter.

"Of course, it is. We had P' Gin check it out before we paid for it." Prem got on the scooter.

"Are you going somewhere?" Earth asked.

"Not just him. 'We' three are going somewhere." Fluke said pulling Earth along as he climbed on the scooter.

Ever since Kao went back to Bangkok, Earth was not as energetic as before. Even though he talked to Kao over the phone every night, it wasn't the same as having the elder next to him. This made Earth feel sad.

Fluke somehow felt guilty that Kao had to leave in a hurry because of the file he handed to him. He decided to make it up to Earth by cheering him up.

Riding in triples, Love moved forward with Prem in the front, Fluke in the middle and Earth at the end.

"Where are we going?" Earth couldn't help but ask.

"Nowhere. We are just out for a long ride." Fluke said feeling the air that hit his face.

At the end of the day, the three friends had a lot of fun. Sitting around a wooden table in the street food shop they were eating Moo Ping.

"Hmm... this is so yummy," Prem said taking a bite of the skewers. "How come we didn't know this place?"

"Only you didn't know. I am a regular customer here and P' Kao had brought Earth here before as well." Fluke used his chopsticks to pick up a Sai Krok Isan [3] from the plate.

"I think Earth learned about all the tourist places in Chiang Mai after roaming around with P' Kao." Prem chuckle. "Give me one." Prem was eyeing Fluke's Sai Krok Isan, which the latter fed him on request.

Earth was uninterested in the conversation. He was thinking of the time he and Kao had visited the place. Even though he had fun with his friends, it was not the same as having fun with Kao. It was different. It was special.

"Earth! Earth!" Fluke nudged his best friend who seemed to have spaced out.

Earth snapped out of a daze.

"Finish them, or else Prem will," Fluke said slapping away Prem's hand that was trying to steal from Earth's plate.

"I was just trying to help. The food will get cold if no one eats it." Prem justified his actions.

The other two could only roll their eyes at the explanation.

"Next, time let's bring Sammy along," Fluke suggested.

"I don't think she will be interested. She had been complaining about gaining weight and not being able to go on diets." Prem said gulping down his drink.

"But she loves street food," Earth said.

"And that is exactly why she can't go on diets." Fluke chuckled. "Anyway, Earth how are things going on with you and P' Kao?"

Earth had already come out in front of Prem and Sammy. Sammy was so excited that she squealed and Prem was dumbfounded. Even though it took time, he still came around and accepted Earth for who he was.

"We have been talking but... I don't know..." Earth sighed. He was still a little shy about the whole thing.

"Aren't you planning to confess your love to him?" Prem asked finishing the last pork skewer.

"I...I..." Earth shuttered.

"You don't have to tell us if you are so reluctant." Fluke shrugged, acting as if he was not that interested in knowing anything.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you guys. it's just that I... I am not sure about my plan either." Earth bit his lower lips.

"If you are willing to share it with us, we may be able to give you suggestions on the matter, Earth," Prem said.

"Prem's right. Even though I have never been in a relationship. I am the best love guide you can find near you." Fluke added.

Earth looked at his friends and took a deep breath.

"First of all, you have to promise me that you will not tell this to anyone. Not even to Sammy." Earth stretched out his hand.

"We can promise, but why not Sammy?" Prem asked.

"Because I don't know if I could actually follow through with this plan of mine. If I couldn't she will be so disappointed." Earth replied.

"If that is what you think, I promise that I will not tell anyone." Fluke placed his hand on Earth's.

Both Earth and Fluke turned to look at Prem.

"Okay. I promise as well." Prem placed his hands over Fluke's and Earth's.

Smiling satisfactorily, Earth spoke, "You guys must have heard that our cheerleading club will be performing our first-ever official performance on the sports day."

Fluke and Prem nodded, signalling Earth to continue.

"P' Kao promised me that he would come to watch my performance." Earth was giddy in excitement.

"What? P' Kao is going to come all the way from Bangkok to Chiang Mai just to watch your performance?" Prem's jaws fell open wondering if the elder loved his friend the same way he did.

Fluke tsked while closing Prem's open mouth and glanced at Earth who was smiling smugly. "So?"

"So, I was planning to confess that night. He will be staying over and he has already promised me that he would treat me to a dinner if I perform well on the cheerleading." Earth looked expectedly at his friends as if asking for their opinion.

"The idea is not bad. P' Kao is not some teenager or stranger that you have to do an impressive confession or anything. It is better to keep it simple. It wouldn't affect your relationship even if you fail on the first try." Fluke pulled out a napkin and wiped his oily lips.

"I agree." Prem chirped in.

"So, you guys think that I should go ahead with this plan?" Earth was feeling unsure. He was both nervous and excited as he thought of the confession.

"I don't think there would be a problem." Prem supported Earth.

"Me neither," Fluke said and got up. "I will go settle the bill. You guys go get the scooter."

The other two nodded and got up as well.

Earth was all smiles on the way back home. Seeing their friend daydreaming about his proposal being accepted, the other two were happy and worried at the same time.

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