20. Confession

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"This place is pretty good," Kao commented looking around the restaurant they were at. He was trying to make conversation as Earth had been silent all these while they were together. It seemed like the younger was preoccupied with some other thought.

Earlier that day when Kao saw Earth in the purple cheerleader uniform, he couldn't help but just stare at the younger in a daze. Along with light makeup and a bright smile, Earth looked like a fairy on earth.

Kao noticed many students eyeing Earth with both lust and jealousy. He wanted to drag Earth away from the crowd and lock him in a room where only he could see the gorgeous little guy.

When Earth started dancing to the beat of the music, performing his first-ever cheerleading, Kao couldn't take his eyes off him. When Earth did somersaults as a part of the choreography, he felt that the little guy was somersaulting right into his heart as it was going wild, threatening to break out of the ribcage as its beats quickened.

"We didn't order, did we?" Kao asked Earth who was fidgeting with his fingers. He couldn't see any waiters or servers to whom he could ask for the menu.

Seeing no response from the younger, Kao snapped his fingers in front of his face, waking Earth out of a daze.

"What happened Phi?" Earth asked nervously.

"Don't we have to order food? I don't see any menu or any staff here. Should we go to the kitchen and order directly?" Kao had been to small restaurants like this. They could order directly from the chef. He wanted to make sure that the restaurant followed the same principle.

"No need, phi. This is a chef's menu restaurant. They don't follow a specific menu, phi. The menu is according to what the chef prefers to make today. It's said that the chef here is extremely good and any dish he cooks is extremely delicious." Earth smiled.

Earth could see that his friends had done a lot of research to find the best restaurant for his proposal. He didn't want to take it for granted as he didn't want to end up in an awkward position if rejected.

"Won't places like this need prior reservations?" Kao asked.

"Khrab, phi. But the chef is a friend of my friend." Earth faked a smile. He didn't want Kao to know the whole story behind him getting a reservation here. He and his friends had practically begged the chef for this day.

"Nice choice though." Kao didn't hide his affection for Earth in his eyes, making the latter more nervous.

It didn't take long before the dinner was served.

Thai Jasmine Sticky rice, Raw papaya salad with lemon peanut and honey dressing, stir-fried green beans, vegetarian pad thai, vegetarian massaman curry and coconut tapioca pudding with spicy strawberry sauce. The menu was perfect for a romantic date.

"Please enjoy." The chef said before winking at Earth to encourage him.

Earth flashed the chef a nervous smile He picked up the spoon and fork with his sweaty hand and dug in.

"You were right. The food here is so delicious." Kao commented eating a few mouthfuls.

Earth just smiled and stuffed himself with food anxiously. He didn't know how to start the conversation.

"Phi, Khrab." Earth put down his spoon after finishing the food in front of him. Kao looked up at Earth's face. "I have something to say..."

Kao kept quiet, waiting for Earth to speak.

"I... I...think..." Earth stuttered.

"You think...?" Kao didn't understand why Earth was being so nervous today. Earth had always been comfortable talking to him. he wondered what was making Earth so nervous all of a sudden. "Earth, whatever the matter is, you know you can talk to me." Kao reached out to hold Earth's hand across the table.

Earth stared at Kao's big hand engulfing his hand on the table. He could feel Kao rubbing his thumb on his hand as a form of encouragement. He drew a deep breath and started speaking.

"I think I am in love with you, Phi." Earth shut his eyelids tightly. The voice of a metal spoon falling on the table made Earth take a peek with one eye.

Kao was completely shocked by the sudden confession and dropped the spoon he was eating with.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same about me, phi. I know you have only dated girls in the past. Please give me a chance to pursue you, phi." Earth picked up courage and continued to speak. "Please give me a chance before rejecting me, phi. I promise you that if I am not able to make you feel something for me, then I will stay away from you. But please don't say no outright."

Kao picked up the glass in front of him and gulped down the water to calm himself down. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He wasn't ready to get confessed to. He didn't know how to react.

"I always used to think that I loved you as the phi I never had as I was the only child. But only recently, I realized that the feelings I have for you aren't brotherly ones. When I realized it, I was initially very flustered. I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know how to act around you. I was afraid that I would make a fool out of myself. But when you left for Bangkok, I couldn't take it. I did want you to leave. That's why I gathered to confess to you today."

Earth exhaled deeply and looked at Kao who was gaping at the moment. He found the older's expression funny. He bit his lips to stop himself from laughing out loud. He didn't want Kao to think that he was pulling a prank on him.

"Your dessert is here." The chef announced as he brought in two servings of Thai-style crème caramel.

Earth thanked the chef and dug in. Now that he had finally said everything out loud, he was relaxed. It was Kao's turn to be nervous. The latter sat there frozen staring at the dessert in front of him.

"P' Kao, try it, na. It's yummy." Earth nudged Kao with a smile. He was happy that he was not rejected immediately.

"Oh? Yeah." Kao chuckled awkwardly and gobbled down the dessert. "I will go pay the bills." He stood up almost stumbling over.

Earth chuckled seeing Kao being silly. "No need Phi. It is on me. I am the one who invited you over for dinner."

Seeing Kao was about to oppose it Earth said "You came all the way from Bangkok to watch my performance. So, it should be my treat. Don't worry, phi. I didn't use my savings on this. I worked part-time to earn money for this dinner." Earth was proud while Kao was speechless.

After rain comes the clear sky (Kaoearth)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora