50. Resolve

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Earth smiled at the memories

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Earth smiled at the memories. Fluke had always been the only person with whom he was willing to share his parents. This brought them closer. So close to the extent that people started referring to them as twins because it was always his mother who brought them out to play.

With time the nickname as twins became permanent. They became inseparable.

Earth loved the idea of being referred to as Fluke’s twin, even though Fluke was older than him by two months seventeen days fifteen hours and thirty-eight minutes to be precise.

Cuddling in the air bed with his three best buddies, Earth spoke. “Guys, I have made my decision.”

“What decision?” Sammy who was turning sober asked.

“That I am going to put my whole concentration on studies.” Earth declared.

Prem sat up. “Does that mean that you are already over P’ Kao?” he asked in surprise. He couldn’t believe that the beer was able to do its magic in such a short time.

Fluke slapped the back of Prem’s head. Kao’s name had become a taboo in their group ever since the day he rejected Earth.

Earth smirked at Prem who was rubbing the back of his head that got hit. “No. I am not giving up on him. Instead, I am planning to pursue him with all my might.”

“But you said you are going to concentrate on your studies,” Sammy asked expressing the obvious confusion that the three friends had.

“Yes, I will concentrate on my studies. I will put all my efforts into getting good marks and entering Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, P’ Kao’s alma matter and move to live in Bangkok.” Earth said dreamingly, clamping his hands together with a smile. He was imagining himself in the black and white uniform with the university’s badge hanging on his chest.

The three friends looked at each other and then at Earth who continued speaking.

“Now, P’ Kao rejected me not because I am a guy. But because I am too young and we live in different cities. But if I manage to get admitted to Chulalongkorn and move to Bangkok, then the problem will be solved. I will be an adult then. P’ Kao won’t be able to say no to me.” Earth was sure that Kao had feelings for him and was only hesitating for the reasons he found silly but reasonable.

Fluke couldn’t figure out if it was Earth or the alcohol inside him doing all the talking. Anyway, Earth’s resolve seemed to be the best way out of the situation with minimum damages.

“That is two years later, Earth. What makes you think that P’ Kao would wait for that long?” Sammy asked rationally. She ignored the glares Fluke was sending her way. “Did you forget how handsome and rich P’ Kao is? Do you think that all the girls in Bangkok are dumb that they would leave such a fine specimen like him alone? Think practically Fluke."

For the first time, Fluke felt exasperated for Sammy being rational. The last thing he wanted at the moment was to see Earth going back to his depressed state that had lasted the whole week.

“I don’t know about those girls Sammy. But I know P’ Kao. I also know that he loves me and cares deeply for me. I am sure that I will be able to reconnect with him. And as long as I can reconnect with him, I will be able to make him fall for me.” Earth said confidently.

“So confident, huh?” Sammy smiled. She was happy that Earth was being optimistic at that point.

“Narcissistic, if you ask me,” Prem muttered earning another slap from Fluke in the back of his head. “Fluke.” He glared at his best friend. “If you keep hitting me like this on my head, don’t blame me for turning dumb and failing exams.”

“I will break your legs if you ever fail in any exam.” Fluke threatened.

“I wonder what Kate saw in you that she agreed to date you.” Sammy looked at Prem with contempt.

Prem turned to Sammy with a smug smile. he stood up on the air bed. “She agreed because of this handsome face,” he said lifting up his chin. “This hot body and my awesome style.” He ran his fingers through his hair and posed like a hero.

The three friends gagged simultaneously.

“Don’t ridicule me.” Prem huffed.

“Awesome style?” Sammy’s eyes fell on his worn-out micky mouse pajama shorts. “Yeah, sure.” She laughed out loud. She high-fived with both Earth and Fluke who were laughing with her.

Prem sulked. “So what if my clothes are a little old. My good-looking face is enough to compensate for it.” 

Fluke sat up and pulled Prem to sit. “Good-looking face? Let me see.” He held Prem’s chin and took a closer look at the latter’s face.

Prem gave him a big smile. His eyes turned into thin slits.

“Hmm,” Fluke hummed thoughtfully. “You would make a perfect bottom in the future.”

“Ai Shia, Fluke.” Prem pushed Fluke away when he understood what his friend meant.

Fluke just smiled and said nothing while being glared at by Prem.

“Au, why did you push him away? I thought you guys were going to have a moment.” Sammy’s voice contained deep disappointment. What else is to be expected from a Yaoi fangirl when she sees two guys interacting close together?

“Moment, my ass.” Prem turned his glare to Sammy. “There was no moment and there will never be one.” His face was turning a light shade of pink as he spoke.

“Ouch. That hurt.” Fluke said, dramatically clenching his chest while Earth giggled at his friends’ antics.

Prem pouted and looked away. He knew he couldn’t win an argument against Fluke.

“Bub, on a serious note.” Fluke’s voice turned grave making Prem look at him. He spoke with complete seriousness. “In the future, if you ever feel like offering your ass to someone, offer it to me.”

That was it for Prem, he lost control. “Ai Satt.” He grabbed a nearby pillow and tried to attack Fluke.

Fluke however was quick and managed to snatch the pillow from Prem and throw it away. He climbed on top of Prem and started giving the latter wet kisses all over his face.

“Fluke! Get off me!” Prem struggled as his three friends pinned him down on the bed and Fluke continued to pepper his face with kisses.

“Prem, no matter what you say. I will always love you. No matter how long it takes, I will wait for your ass. I will do the honour of popping your cherry.” Fluke teased trying his best not to laugh.

“Ai saraleo, if someone is to pop the cherry, then it will be me popping yours. Not the other way around.” Prem yelled in frustration. He was blushing hard.

“Really? Then I will be waiting.” Fluke acted shy like a girl brushing his hair behind his ears. “Maybe we can take turns.” He whispered in Prem’s ears.

“FLUKE!” Prem screamed.

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