70. Dream or reality 3

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Earth spun his head to the other side as the spoon of porridge was moved closer to his mouth. He had no intention of eating it.

Kao sighed, putting away the bowl of porridge. He looked at Earth who refused to look in his direction and asked. "Earth, are you mad at me?"

He knew that Earth's anger was justified, given the way he rejected the proposal came out to be ruder than he had expected it to be. Fluke had given him a brief account of how hurt Earth had been feeling after that day.

He could clearly see it on Earth's face, as the latter looked like he had lost a lot of weight in a short period of time.

Earth took a few deep breaths in to calm himself. He didn't understand why Kao couldn't just take the hint and leave him alone.

He finally looked at Kao who was eyeing him expectedly. It would be a lie if he said that he didn't feel his anger and disappointment melting away seeing Kao's pleading eyes. But he knew that he was in no position to swoon over it.

Hardening his heart, he spoke in a formal tone "Khun Kao, I am really grateful that you helped me yesterday and took care of me the whole night. But now I am all good and fine. I can take care of myself. You can leave now."

"Are you kicking me out?" Kao asked.

Both of them were now at the Namwirote Residence as per Earth's wish. Earth had been sulky and had stayed in bed in protest despite Kao giving in to him.

Kao on the other hand had been trying to talk to Earth but had no luck in doing so as the latter seemed extremely mad, not only at him but also at Fluke. Mainly at Fluke.

He felt sorry for Fluke as the little one was caught in the crossfire because he had supported him.

"I am not kicking you out, Khun Kao. I am only letting you know of my condition so that you won't have to waste your precious time here with me." Earth retorted, resting his head against the backrest of his bed.

"First of all stop calling me Khun Kao. You are getting on my nerves. Call me Phi, like you always did." Kao said seriously.

"I am really sorry if I offended you, Khun Kao," Earth replied sarcastically.

"Earth" Kao called threateningly. "Call me Phi."

Earth let out an exasperated sigh. "What do you want me to do, Phi? Please stop acting clueless will you?"

Kao chuckled making Earth glare at him.

"Seriously, phi? You are laughing?" Earth felt his eyes well up. He was sad as he felt that Kao was making fun of his emotions. "Do I look funny to you? Or does my situation look funny to you?"

Kao's mood suddenly dampened as he noticed the teardrops in Earth's eyes. "I didn't mean it like that."

"Then?" Earth questioned. "You already know that I can't go on with your phi-nong shit. Then why are you pressing me into it?"

Kao pressed his lips together, trying his best not to coo at the cute angry bunny with flushed cheeks. "I don't want to have a phi-nong relationship with you either."

"I know!" Earth's lips trembled as he spoke. "You already told me that!" 

The memory of Kao saying that he didn't want to see him again was fresh in his mind. The more he tried to forget the matter the more it hurt.

Kao moistened his lips as he shifted from the chair he was sitting on to the bed's edge.

Earth withdrew himself at this action with wide eyes. Kao's actions were seriously confusing him and slightly misleading his already confused thoughts.

"Have I ever told you that I am stupid as well?" Kao asked with a playful smile.

Earth stared at him with an emotionless face.

Kao tensed up under Earth's stare. Confessing his feelings felt more difficult than he had imagined. "I am sorry about that day. I know I was being rude and I really want to apologize for that."

"Apology accepted." Earth just wanted Kao to leave. He looked away.

"I love you, Earth," Kao said looking lovingly at Earth's face.

"I already said that I am already accepting your apology, then what do you..." Earth was about to throw a tantrum but suddenly realised what Kao said and froze. He looked at Kao with a shocked face "What did you say?"

"I said I love you, Earth," Kao repeated sincerely. "Not as phi-nong but as a man."

Earth felt like he was dreaming.

"I don't know why I even thought that I could live without contacting you. I was such an idiot." Kao went on babbling.

But Earth was paralyzed. He couldn't move an inch. Half of the things Kao said didn't reach his ears. The four words 'I love you, Earth' were echoing in his ears.

"Earth, will you give Phi another chance?" Kao reached out to hold Earth's hand.

Earth didn't withdraw his hand this time. He couldn't. He was still digesting the fact that Kao had actually confessed his love to him a few seconds ago.

Getting no reply from Earth, Kao was puzzled. "Earth? Earth?" He gently shook the teenager.

"Huh?" Earth snapped out of the trance. He saw Kao looking at him with puppy eyes. "I love you too, phi" He threw himself into Kao's arms.

Kao was over the moon as he hugged Earth. "I love you so much, Earth and I missed you like crazy."

"I missed you too, phi." Earth sobbed.

Kao cupped Earth's face, wiping the hot tears with his thump. "I am sorry, na Earth. I was still in denial and I had ended up hurting you so much. I was so stupid."

Earth lightly punched Kao's broad chest. "That you are. You are so stupid."

Kao smiled with happy tears in his eyes as he kissed Earth on his forehead.

Pop Pop

The sound made the couple look at the door.

Ja and Fluke were at the door with party poppers. They screamed, "Congratulations love birds!"

Earth was so shy that he hid his face in Kao's chest. Kao chuckled upon seeing his shy bunny.

"If you are done with the tantrums and confession, please so have your food. You have to take medicines after that." Fluke said with a mischievous smile. He wasn't going to let any opportunity to tease the new couple slip away.

Earth grabbed one of his plushies from the bed and threw it at his best friend. "Get out!" He was so embarrassed. Not because of Fluke's teasing but because Ja was also there to witness everything.

Fluke who was hit by the plushie giggled. "Alright, alright. We will leave. We have no interest in being the third wheel here." He winked at Kao before dragging his cousin along with him.

The couple looked at each other and smiled as they were left alone in the room. They tightened the hug around each other, enjoying the warm moment.

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