34. Dinner 2

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"AJK Project will be one of the biggest projects this year under our company," Eric said boastfully. He was extremely proud that their company had managed to bag such a big project for which other leading companies were fighting.

"Alan will be the one leading the project, right?" Matt asked. Unlike his wife, Matt prioritized work over anything else.

"No, Aa. He was the one leading the project but now another team will be taking charge of the project." Kao said with a small formal smile.

"Another, Team?" Saen asked. He knew how hard his son had worked on the project and he couldn't believe that Kao was actually dismissing his son from the project just like that.

Kao understood Saen's anger. that was exactly what he was aiming for. "Kanawut and his team will be taking over the project, Aa. Instead, Alan will be in charge of the projects related to the Cheamchuens. It is a brand-new cooperation and we need to lay solid foundations for it. Who else can take over the task better than Alan in our company."

"Kanawut? As in Gulf?" Alan asked.

"Yes. Gulf. You two joined the company around the same time, right? His performance has been stellar throughout. He will be the perfect person to take over the project." Kao said amicably.

Alan and Saen were turning red in anger listening to Kao. Gulf was the son of another shareholder and had been Alan's biggest rival ever since he entered the company. Losing such an important project to him was like a huge slap on his face for both Alan and his father.

Neither of them could do anything about it if Kao had made the decision as Kao still had the power of the Chairman even if he hadn't officially taken the position on himself. Kao never interfered in any of the company-related matters. This was the first time and everyone around the table knew that it won't be the last.

"But, Kao, Alan had been in charge of it since the beginning. He and his team had worked hard on it. Changing him at this point might not do our company any good." Eric interjected.

"Come on, Dad. Alan may be just the team leader in our company but he is still my Nong. I can't make him sacrifice everything just for the sake of our company." Kao looked at Alan with a gaze that oozed brotherly love.

"I don't think me working on the project would be a big sacrifice or anything-" Alan tried to speak with a smile but his acting skills were lacking compared to the Kao and his smile seemed so forced.

Kao smirked and interrupted him midway. "You don't have to be so formal, Nong. You are getting married soon. I am sure that you will have many things to do as the groom. There will be a lot of things that would need you to be personally present. Don't tell me you are planning on dumping all the responsibility on N' Merlin alone." He glanced at Merlin.

"I- " Alan was left speechless. He knew that Kao was trying to gaslight him.

"The marriage is scheduled just a week after Merlin's final year university exams are over. It will be so overwhelming for her to handle everything mist the exam pressure." Kao made sure that he sounded like a caring elder brother.

No one dared to oppose him as they understood that Kao was dead set on removing Alan from the project using the wedding as an excuse.

"Also, even if Alan can manage this phase along with the wedding arrangements, what about the next phase?" He patted Alan's shoulder "You know that you will have to go abroad for a long time and you won't be able to bring Merlin along."

Ann got the cue. "Kao is right, Alan. You two will still be on your honeymoon phase and your work might intersect it if you are on this project. We all know that you two are having an arranged marriage and don't know each other that well. You two should spend more time together at the beginning of your marriage."

"Ann, he can still do it with work," Saen said controlling his temper. His younger sister always had her ways to get on his nerves.

"Stop being so strict on the kid, Phi. He is a grown-up man. He needs to spend more time with his newlywed wife. His work is not going anywhere. It can wait." Ann said with an innocent smile.

"That is good. That is good." Pah spoke excitedly. Matt glared at his dumb wife. His son-in-law had just lost the chance to be on such a huge project and she was saying that it was good.

"Merlin and Alan they really have to get to know each other. The initial few years they spend together will be the foundation on which they will be building their relationship." Pah placed her hand on her daughter's.

Merlin was nervous and happy at the same time. She was delighted that her in-laws were asking Alan to spend more time with her. As someone who had never been in a relationship before, she had very high expectations of her married life despite it being a business marriage.

She was totally in love with Alan. He was handsome, tall, came from a good family and well mannered (according to her. She doesn't know Alan well enough).  He was the prince Charming that anyone could ever ask for.

Kao noticed Merlin's reaction and could guess that the poor girl was in love with his cousin. He started feeling bad for the innocent girl who was being sold to his family in the name of marriage.

"I think they should go on a honeymoon trip for at least a month." Ann wondered if Pah was just plain naïve or was putting on a show to please Kao.

"Merlin, is there any place you would like to go for your honeymoon?" she asked.

Merlin shyly shook her head. She was satisfied as long as Alan was willing to go with her.

Ann smiled affectionately. She had taken a liking to the girl "How does Geneva sound to you?"

Merlin's eyes lit up at the suggestion. She bit her lips and looked at Alan as if asking for his opinion.

Alan was already pissed that he lost the project and was in no mood to entertain Merlin. He started questioning his decision of agreeing to marry someone as naïve as Merlin. If not for her family's wealth and the fact that she was a virgin, he would have never agreed to the whole marriage thing.

He was mentally preparing himself to get rid of Merlin once her wealth fell into his hands. He put on his perfect fake smile. "As long as Merlin doesn't have any opposition, I am okay with any destination."

"Then it is fixed. I will arrange your honeymoon trip." Ann volunteered.

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