25. Friend in trouble

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Prem clenched his stomach which had started aching after laughing so hard. "See, I told you your Por-Mae is going to be alright." He panted and leaned against the backrest.

The three friends, Earth, Fluke and Prem were sitting on the corner couch at the party organised by one of their school seniors. Sammy who came with them had run off somewhere with Pineare to do some girls' stuff that she refused to disclose to her three guy friends.

Earth had been narrating the incident of the previous night when he came out to his parents only to know that his parents were already aware that he was gay and had no problem accepting the fact.

"You were so tensed for nothing," Fluke said, feeling genuinely happy for his best friend.

"How can I not get tensed?" Earth spoke exasperatedly. "Didn't you see how P' Peak's Mae reacted when she told her that he was dating P' Boom? She slapped him in front of the whole school. You know how much she pampers him. She never used to say no to him. Yet in this matter, she did and she still doesn't speak to him."

"You are right. Phi's Mae's reaction was indeed scary." Fluke nodded remembering the chaos that had happened in school a few months ago. "But your parents are easier to speak to, Earth."

"You are right." Earth smiled sipping his orange-flavoured drink.

"I think my parents would be fine if I were to tell them that I am dating a guy one day," Prem said with confidence.

"Which guy will even give you a second glance at you?" Earth mocked. He and Prem started bickering over the matter.

The duo got so involved in their bickering that they didn't notice Fluke's smile dimming a bit and he was zoning out.

A large commotion at the other end of the hall made the two pause. Everyone looked over in the direction.

The three saw Sammy stomping over in their direction. Her pastel pink dress had a huge stain on the middle as if someone had spilled a drink on it. Her hair was dishevelled and her make-up was smudged, clearly showing that she had cried.

She was being closely followed by a worried Pineare.

Sammy wasn't the kind of girl who liked to wear skirts and dresses. She preferred shorts and trousers, keeping up with her tomboy reputation. But she wore a dress for the party as it was the dress code. She even wore make-up to match the dress.

"Do you think she got into a catfight?" Prem whispered to Earth.

"It seems she did." Earth's expression wasn't good. He was having a bad feeling about the whole thing.

Sammy had never been the kind to get into fights with girls but it seemed like she did today.

She walked past Earth and Prem and stopped in front of Fluke. She suddenly cupped his face and kissed him on the lips.

Fluke froze at this action. Both Earth and Prem covered their mouths as their eyes widened in shock. The audible sounds of gasps echoed among the attendees of the party.

"AHHHH" a shrill scream was heard across the hall, demanding everyone's attention.

Fame, Fluke's rumoured girlfriend was the one who screamed.

Sammy finally let go of Fluke and turned to look at Fame, smiling provocatively.

"YOU BITCH HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY BOYFRIEND?" Fame screamed as she lunged at Sammy but got held back by her cousin and friends.

"Your boyfriend?" Sammy snickered. "You are one delusional bitch, aren't you?" she took a step forward staring at the angry Fame. "He never agreed to date you. It is you who is clinging to him despite him refusing you so many times, telling everyone that you are his girlfriend."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP, YOU UGLY TRAMP! YOU KNOW NOTHING." Fame yelled struggling to free herself.

"Oh? I am an ugly tramp?" Sammy sneered. "This ugly tramp just kissed your 'boyfriend' and he didn't push me away." She quoted the word boyfriend. "And truth to be told, his lips are pretty soft." She ran her fingers through her lips and glanced at Fame. "I bet you have never had the chance to taste them."

"YOU..." Fame finally broke free and attacked Sammy, grabbing a hand full of her hair.

Sammy didn't hold back either, she mirrored Fame's actions. Soon a full-on fight between the girls broke out.

Everyone had a hard time separating the two. Earth, Prem and Fluke pulled Sammy back while Fame was pulled back by her cousin and friends.

The two girls showed no sign of backing off. They were throwing kicks in the air as they were held back, screaming at each other.

Fluke removed his jacket and draped it around Sammy whose dress was not only soiled but also torn from the fight. "Earth, Prem, take her away." He instructed.

The duo nodded and carried the rebellious Sammy away with Pineare accompanying them.

"You take her away too." JJ, Fame's cousin instructed her friends. They didn't dare to disobey the older and immediately dragged Fame away from the scene.

Fluke glared at the people who were recording the scene. Everyone lowered their phones in fear.

JJ motioned his friends to handle those people before walking over to Fluke.

"Don't worry, Fluke. My friends will take care of the photos and videos they took. I can't let the incident get out. And I am sorry about the whole thing." JJ said apologetically.

"I wasn't the one affected, Phi," Fluke said helplessly. He could already see a headache coming his way.

"I know. I would like to apologize to your friend on behalf of my Nong. You know how she is when it comes to you." JJ apologized.

"It wasn't completely her fault, phi. Sammy provoked her too." Fluke sighed.

"I think you should go check on your friend. I bet she got a few scratches. Fame just got her nails done today morning." JJ tried to joke to lighten the mood.

Fluke gave him a small smile, feeling conflicted. He glanced at the direction Fame was taken to.

Fame had always been hysterical about him. She was overly possessive over him even though they weren't dating each other. Today, Sammy had purposefully kissed him in front of her to provoke her and that was she lost it in public and attacked her. Or else Fame had always kept an angel-like appearance in front of everyone.

"Don't worry about her, Fluke." JJ noticed Fluke's gaze. "I will manage her."

"Are you sure, Phi? She is really upset."

JJ smiled and nodded. "She can be a handful every now and then. But she is actually a very sensible girl otherwise, Fluke. She will calm down soon. I will have a talk with her." He patted Fluke on his shoulders. "so, stop worrying and go check on you friend."

"Thank you, phi." Fluke flashed his sincere angelic smile at him.

JJ felt his heart skip a beat.

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