64. Destroying the evidence

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Fluke kicked his opponent with all his might. The fight had turned out to be more energy-draining than he had expected. Real-life compact was tougher than the years of martial arts training sessions he had attended.

Not to mention that all of his opponents were people who had more experience in real-life fights than him. It was evident from their movements. He was sure that Prem wasn't doing any better than him.

Fluke snaked his hands around the taller opponent's neck making him bend down. He crashed his knees right into the senior's abdomen making him spit blood from internal injury. He forcefully kicked the opponent making him fall to the ground.

He turned to his friend's direction to see if he needed help. He was greeted with a horrifying scene of  Prem standing with bloodied hands and a terrified expression. He could see the bulky guy who was a member of Dynamos,  on the floor with the knife still stuck to his wound.

Prem wasn't moving. His face was getting paler and paler by the second. 

Fluke got an idea of what had happened. He ran over to Prem and grabbed his shoulders and shook him vigorously. "Prem, Prem!"

"Flu...ke... I... I... stabbed... someone..." Prem muttered incoherently. He was scared. "What have I done, Fluke... I... I... killed..."

"Hush... hush..." Fluke didn't allow him to complete the sentence. He himself was petrified but he couldn't let things get out of hand. He had to figure a way out.

"No...No..." He looked around and grabbed a shirt which probably belonged to one of the beaten-up seniors and wiped the blood off Prem's hands muttering "These hands are not to be bloodied. They are for winning gold medals."

He was trying to act strong but still, he panicked. After all, he was also a kid. They were only sixteen. He didn't want Prem's bright future to be shaded by this incident.

He threw the bloody shirt to the ground. He was sweating bullets by now. His hands were shivering as he grabbed a hooded jacket that belonged to one of the seniors in the room, from the hanger and handed it to Prem. "Put this on and leave." He commanded.

"Leave? How can I leave? All this..." Prem asked worriedly, he was trembling inside out. He didn't want to leave Fluke alone in the mess. This was his doing. He couldn't just walk away like he had nothing to do with any of these.

"Don't worry about this mess. I will handle it. you can't get involved in all these. You have the selection match next month. You should have a clean record. You should go. You should leave." Fluke was pleading with Prem to leave. Even though he had no clue how he was going to sort everything out, he knew one thing, Prem should never get involved.

"But..." Prem wanted to argue.

"Don't directly go to your home like this. Go to my place. Go there and freshen up before going home." Fluke instructed in a calm tone which was quite contrasting to his feelings.

"Fluke... I..."

"WARUT LEAVE!" Fluke roared. He disliked it when someone refused to do what he said. Especially when it was an emergency.

Prem flinched in fear from the anger radiating from Fluke. He knew Fluke was serious and there was no point trying to argue back. He could only obey what he was commanded to do. He walked to the entrance and took a final glance at the scene before leaving.

After Prem left the scene, Fluke took a few minutes to calm himself. He had to think straight.

He took out his handkerchief and tied it over his face as a mask. He then headed to the toy car which had the camera and recorder installed to it. He picked it up. Thankfully it had been facing away from the direction where Prem had been fighting and hadn't captured the whole stabbing scene.

He switched the camera and recorder off and quickly exited the room carrying the toy car, throwing a small ball-like thing into the room.

The small ball fell in the middle of the room and started releasing a white smoke. The students who were groaning in pain on the floor were knocked out as soon as they inhaled the smoke.

Outside the room, Fluke didn't dare take down the mask as the smoke still lingered in the air. He took the memory card out of both the camera and recorder and placed it securely inside his backpack.

Fluke leaned against the wall as his legs felt weak. He had to clean up the scene and remove the traces of both him and Prem being there. He waited patiently for the smoke to dissipate.

A few minutes later, Fluke re-entered the room wearing an extra mask over his handkerchief and disposable gloves in his hand. He looked at the bunch of seniors who lay motionless on the cold floor.

He made his way to the senior who was stabbed by Prem. He grabbed a neat shirt from the hanger as well. 

He squatted down next to the senior to examine the wound. Without hesitation, he pulled out the knife in one swift motion. Warm blood squirted out onto his face.

He placed the shirt on the wound and applied a little pressure to reduce the bleeding. He used his other hand to tie the shirt in place, like a dressing so that the wound wasn't exposed. He performed a little first aid so that the senior wouldn't die.

He knew that the stab wound was only superficial and wouldn't have hurt any important internal organs from his observation. Growing up in a medical family, watching surgeries while having food and cleat knowledge about human body made him able to reach such a conclusion.

Fluke stood up examining the knife. He was sure that it had Prem's fingerprints. His eyes fell on the beverage cooler at the end of the room.

He opened the cooler's door to see if there were any alcohol. As expected, he found alcoholic beverages inside. But what he didn't expect to see was the small bottles and unused syringes.

It didn't take him a genius to figure out that those bottles were drugs. He had already noticed the syringes that were brought in by their senior earlier.

"Hmm... I could make use of these." He spoke to himself.

He wiped the knife handle with alcohol, wiping away all the fingerprints left behind by Prem. He then placed it on the blood that was spilled out from the wound to the blood, to make it look natural. 

He then took the knife and placed it inside the bulky senior's palm. Once he made sure that the senior's fingerprints were on the knife, he let go of him. He then headed to JJ, who was the first person to pass out. He placed the knife in his grasp.

Fluke then took the drug syringes and started injecting their contents into the veins of the senior students. Giving injections was one of the basic things his mother taught him.

He made sure that each and every one of them had drugs injected into their veins. He took a few steps away admiring the work of art he had just completed.


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