27. Encounter with a jerk

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“Were you mad that he made fun of you or was it because his friends were reading your messages?” Earth directed his question at Sammy. He handed her a box of tissue.

“Neither.” Sammy wiped her tears. “I was mad because I found out that he already had a girlfriend and was only fooling around with me. He heard that I was the kind of girl who no man can tame and wanted to try out for fun. He found out that I was easier than other girls and took advantage of it.”

“Took advantage of it? As in… you two… slept together?” Prem asked feeling unsure.

Sammy smacked his head. “No, you idiot. We haven’t even held hands.”

“I was just asking.” Prem rubbed his aching head to prevent swelling.

“I looked like a complete lovestruck idiot in those chats. He was showing it to everyone. The messages that came to me from his account weren’t even sent by him. It was his friends who send them. They were just making fun of me. And I even showed up wearing a dress at that party. I was an idiot.” Sammy buried her face in her palms.

Earth patted her slowly. He glanced worriedly at Prem and then at Fluke.

“What did you do then? Did you confront him?”  Prem asked.

“No. there was nothing to confront. Everything was clear as a day and he was a downright douchebag.” Sammy gritted her teeth. “I directly went and slapped him on his face. I used a little too much strength that he fell into the pool. His tiny girlfriend splashed her drink on me and I pushed her into the pool as well.”

Prem couldn’t hold his laugh anymore. He rolled on the wing chair. Sammy glared at him while Earth warned him to shut up with his eyes.

“Then, how did Fame get involved in all this?” Earth asked ignoring Prem who was starting to get on his nerves with his laugh.

“She and her friends saw me walking away from them crying and stopped me. They started making fun of me about the whole matter. All of them knew the truth and they started mocking me, calling me a desperate girl. That’s why I…” Sammy stole a glance at Fluke.

Fluke was silent, his face serious, as if he was brooding on something.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Fluke looked at Sammy and spoke. “What did you say the name of the guy was?”

Fluke’s low baritone voice sent shivers down the spine of the three people present.

“Kla” Sammy gulped nervously.

“You don’t know his full name?” He asked again.

Sammy shook her head.

“What else do you know about him?”

“He… he is in his senior year. He goes to KELP International School. He is athletic. I think he is in the school team or something.” Sammy said everything she knew.

Fluke just hummed in response.

“Fluke, what are we going to do?” Earth nudged Fluke who was lost in thought.

“We will teach that guy a lesson.” Prem was pumped up. No matter how much he loved teasing Sammy, he still cared about her deeply.

“Are you guys going to beat him up or something?” Sammy looked at the hyper Prem and then at the calm Fluke alternatively. “You guys might get into trouble.”

“We will only get into trouble only if we get caught.” Fluke’s eyes turned icy. “We just have to make sure that we don’t.”

“Yes, we have to make him pay for what he had done.” Prem was happy that Fluke was supportive of his idea.

“Fluke, I don’t think that is a good idea.” Earth tried to discourage them.

“Earth, they hurt our friend and you are saying that we shouldn’t do anything?” Prem question.

“I didn’t mean that Prem. I was just saying that Sammy already stood up for herself and slapped that guy. Do we need to blow the matter up?” Earth looked at Fluke hoping that the latter would reconsider his decision.

“She might have stood up for herself. But a single slap is not enough to teach a prick like him some manners. If we let him be, he will surely come around to create trouble for her in the near future.” Fluke spoke with certainty. “That is why we should make a move before he does. Haven’t you heard; offence is the best defence.”

Earth understood the gravity of the situation. “What do you suggest we do Fluke?”

“We beat him and his friends up,” Prem said enthusiastically.

Fluke shot Prem a glance before facing Earth. “That is indeed on the to-do list. But that is not all.”


“I want you to do some snooping around. A person like him will surely have a lot of dirt on him. I want you to dig it out. Once we get our hands on those, we can use them against him. Not just him, look into his friends as well. Maybe we will get more information.”

Earth thought for a while before nodding, agreeing to Fluke’s plan.

“Thank you so much, guys. I love you all.” Sammy pulled them into a group hug.

The tense atmosphere vanished as the four friends hugged each other.

“Sammy, next time you fall for a guy, you should tell us first. We will do a background check for you.” Earth propounded.

“I surely will.” Sammy smiled at him.

“Fluke, can I ask you something?” Sammy looked eagerly at Fluke.

“Ask away.” Fluke sat in a more relaxing position.

“Did I take your first kiss today?” Sammy asked. Both Earth and Prem choked on their drinks. They couldn’t believe that she was still in a mood to gossip.

“No, it wasn’t my first kiss” Fluke chuckled and replied.

“Oh,” Sammy was disappointed. “It was mine.” She sighed dramatically. “Then again, if it was not your first kiss today, then when was your first kiss? Who did you kiss? Tell me.”

Prem started coughing loudly as the drink entered his windpipe.

“Can’t you be careful while you drink and eat something?” Sammy passed tissues to Prem, helping him clean up the juice that came out through his nose.

“Why the hell are you so curious about his first kiss?” Prem’s face was red from coughing.

“I wasn’t asking you, idiot. I was asking him. I bet you haven’t had your first kiss till now. That is why you are jealous.” Sammy sneered.

“Kate doesn’t even let him touch her, much less kiss her.” Earth joined in the conversation.

“Who said I haven’t had my first kiss. I had it long ago. And it was not with Kate.” Prem defended.

Sammy and Earth snickered not believing Prem’s words.

“I am telling the truth. I have had my first kiss when we were in middle school itself.” Prem explained.

The duo didn’t trust him and looked at Fluke.

“He indeed had his first kiss in middle school.” Fluke seconded Prem.

“See, I told you,” Prem said not looking at Fluke. Audible gasps were heard and the duo pestered him for more information

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