5. Late night practice

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"Let's wrap up for today." Title, the president of the cheerleading club announced.

Everyone dispersed.

Earth took a sip of cold water before changing out of his practice clothes. Slinging his bag on one shoulder, he walked out of the locker room.

He saw Fluke waiting for him on the corridor bench licking a lollipop.

Earth quickened his pace as he walked over to Fluke.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, the practice ended late," Earth said as he watched Fluke get up.

"I didn't wait for long. My practice also ended a few minutes ago." Fluke handed a lollipop to Earth.

"Oh? Why are you guys practising so late? The competition is still months away, right?" Earth asked as he unwrapped the lollipop and put it in his mouth.

"We just practised for a few hours. I had a meeting with Achaan Sarocha [1] and Achaan Chatchawit [2]. I was late to practice because of that."

The duo started walking as they talked.

"What did they call you for?" Earth asked curiously.

"They want me to replace P' Jo as Prem's and P' Nate's partner in doubles and mixed doubles for the Inter-school Tennis Competition." Fluke sighed.

"Replace P' Jo? Why? Isn't he one of the best players in our school?" Earth was a little surprised.

"He had an accident. Heard his condition is a little serious. He won't be able to play for a while. If I don't take up the position, our school will have to cancel our slots for those items. So, I agree." 

Fluke struck out his tongue showing off the tongue that was covered in green color from the lollipop.

"That's a good idea to choose you for team competitions. You can easily adapt with anyone easily and create good teamwork." Earth said as he struck out his purple tongue.

"That just means that I will have no free time from tomorrow onwards. I will have to join Prem for practice." Fluke whined.

"Speaking of free time, if you are joining the tennis competition, then what about the band? Will you have time for it?"

"I won't. Our band will be on hiatus for a while. Achaan Sarocha warned the seniors of our club that if they don't improve their grades in the upcoming exam, they will be banned from attending club activities. So, after P' Por's sister's wedding, we haven't taken any bookings. My finances are going to be tight this month." Fluke said feeling downcast.

Earth nodded in acknowledgement.

"So, you will be busy. No wonder Achaan Pumwaree [3] wanted me to take part in the elocution competition. Normally she would have chosen you instead." Earth said throwing the leftover lollipop stick in the trash can.

"She must have chosen you based on the scores of the last exam." Fluke shrugged.

"Fluke, that is the problem. The elocution is in English. You know that my English is not good." Earth pouted.

"Not good? You scored two points higher than me on the last exam. Did you forget that?" Fluke raised his eyebrows.

"I can write but I don't know how to talk. I mean the pronunciation, the accent, I don't think I can do it, Fluke." Earth shook his head.

"Earth, it is not a difficult task. It is just a matter of getting more practice. I will help you. Believe in yourself."

"But Fluke, I ..."

"I will give you the list of a few Hollywood films. Watch them one by one. I am sure you will love them." Fluke interrupted Earth from speaking further.

"Fluke, we are talking about the elocution now."

"Just watch those and listen carefully to the dialogues when you do so. Your accent will automatically improve. They have subtitles as well. As for your lack of confidence, we will work on it." Fluke hooked his hands around Earth's neck.

The duo giggled as they reached the school entrance.

Fluke suddenly halted seeing the tall young man standing against a car in front of the school gate.

"P' JA!!!" Earth screamed in excitement as he ran over to the young man.

The young man looked up at the two high schoolers and smiled.

"I can't believe that high schoolers need to practice this late," Ja said stroking Earth's hair.

"Usually, we don't. Today was an exception." Earth smiled at Ja.

Ja unlocked the car and got in the driver's seat.

"Didn't you say that you were busy and won't be coming back for a while?" Fluke questioned his cousin as he got in the passenger seat.

"I thought so too. I just got lucky that I managed to finish my pending work before time." Ja started the car.

"P' Ja, I heard that you were selected as the hottest guy at your university this time as well!"  Earth said excitedly from the back seat.

Ja responded with a narcissistic smirk.

"University students have got nothing better to do with their lives." Fluke scoffed.

"There is no use being jealous, shorty. Your Phi here is just too handsome and too good-looking that no one can ignore me." Ja said with a teasing smile.

"I am not short. I am still growing." Fluke protested.

Earth giggled watching the cousins.

"By the way Earth, Aa Darla [4] called earlier. She said they won't be able to make it back tonight. You will be sleeping over at our place tonight." Ja said looking at Earth through the rear-view mirror.

"Really phi? They promised me that they would be back tonight." Earth sulked.

"She said that things haven't been settled there. They will be back by tomorrow evening at the latest." Ja consoled Earth.

"The two of should stop eating those lollipops. They are full of sugar and have many chemical additives. Just look at the colour of your tongues. Those are not good for your health." Ja said watching the two younger ones.

"Khrab, Khrab Khun Mo [5]. Please don't get started with your lecture now. We are already tired. Just concentrate on driving." Fluke said sarcastically.

"Do you think that I am your driver, huh?" Ja smacked Fluke's head.

"I am saying this for your own sake. I saw a whole lot of sweets you kept inside your closet."

"You entered my room?" Fluke was furious.

"One of my T-shirts was missing. I just went in to check if you had it." Ja shrugged at Fluke's reaction.

"What made you think that I have your T-shirt? Don't you know that those will be too big for me? Even if you thought that I had those, couldn't you wait till I got back and ask permission before going into my room."

"Fluke, you are talking as if you have some treasure hidden in your room that no one is allowed to enter." Ja scoffed "Did you forget that you used to sleep in the same room as me till I entered the university? Back then, I never threw a tantrum."

Fluke didn't say anything and looked away.

"Alright, I am sorry that I entered your room without your permission. It won't happen again." Ja gave in to his little cousin.

[1] Achaan Sarocha- Dean of the school.

[2] Achaan Chatchawit- Physical education teacher at the school

[3] Achaan Pumwaree- homeroom teacher of Earth's and Fluke's class.

[4] Aa (aunt) Darla- Earth's mother.

[5] Khun Mo- doctor, Fluke and Earth address Ja as a doctor as he was a medical student

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