35. Know your place

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After seeing off the guests, the Dechaphattanakuns were the only ones that were left in the mansion.

Kao noticed Alan glaring at him. He flashed a smug smile at Alan. "What is it, Khun Bridegroom? You look so constipated."

"You did it on purpose didn't you?" Alan gritted his teeth.

"Did what on purpose?" Kao acted dumb.

"Kao, why did you remove Alan from the project?" Eric asked his son.

Kao turned to his father. He walked closer to the middle-aged man and looked at him closely. "Dad, I can see some white strands of hair on your head. You are really getting old."

"What kind of behaviour is this Kao? Are you drunk?" Eric felt insulted for some reason.

"Aw, Dad." Kao snaked his hand around his father's shoulders. "Easy there easy. You know, many people at your age die from high blood pressure."

"KAO!" Jane glared at her son.

"You too Mom. You should really keep an eye on your temper." Kao let go of his father and moved to his mother. "Maybe you are hitting your menopause now."

"Kao, what are you doing? Not only did you insult my son. Now you are disrespecting your parents too?" Tessa frowned.

"Oh come on, Tessa. Kao never insulted your son. You just felt that he was being insulted because you are taking everyone on your inflated ego." Ann stepped into the conversation.

"Ann, stay out of it," Saen warned. "This is none of your business. Kao had just kicked my son out of the project he worked so hard on."

"Stay out of this? None of my business?" Ann snickered. "Phi, you are forgetting that I own as many shares of the company as you do." She pointed her finger at Alan. "And as for the matter of you saying that Kao kicked your son out of the project he worked on, when did he work? No. what did he work on? As far as I know, all the work was done by the members of the team. All he did was present their work and snatching the credit of the employees who worked their asses off to come up with a proper plan."

"Ann, Alan was the team leader. He led the whole team." Saen defended his son.

"Do you think he is qualified enough to be a team leader?" a sneer formed on Ann's face. "He is in that position only because of nepotism and not because he actually deserves to be there."

"Ann. Calm down," Mintra said calmly. "And you too Saen. Simmer down a bit."

Saen and Ann shut up after their mother spoke. Kao just shook his head and turned to leave.

Alan quickly followed him and stopped him. "Kao, did you really remove me from the project because you felt that I didn't deserve to be in charge of it?"

"No. unlike your dad or Pa Ann, I know exactly how much effort you put into the project." Kao said resuming his walk.

"Since you know everything. Why did you remove me?"

"I told you, Alan, you are getting married. You need to spend time with Merlin."

"It is because of him, right?"

Kao halted at the question.

Alan snickered. "It is because of that bloody faggot that you are-"


Kao slapped Alan across the face sharply. He was so angry and had put more force than necessary that Alan fell to the ground with a thud.

The elders of the family heard the sound and rushed over only to see Alan on the ground holding his left cheek with Kao squatting next to him.

"Don't you dare speak about him like that!" Kao spoke coldly. "I let it go the last time only because there were guests sitting in front of us. Not because it was okay for you to insult Boun right in my face.

And yes, your guess is correct. I did remove you because of him. if you hadn't spurned him before your in-laws may be, I would have left you be. but no, as long as I don't teach you your manners as long as I don't show you your place, you will still be high on your horses and think that the rest of the world is under your feet.

So, the whole 'removing you from the project' thing, was a wake-up call to you. A call to make you come back to reality and know where you belong."

The burning sensation on his cheek felt much lighter than his shattered ego as Alan felt that Kao looked down on him.

"You will always remain a second choice, Alan, just like your dad. Even your mom doesn't think you are worth her efforts. That is why she made Boun the heir to her legacy while you were left to be the piece of shit you are.

Don't think that all the luxury that you enjoy is meant for you. It is just a consolidation price for being the shitty side character in the story." Kao sneered.

"Kao, how could you say that to your little brother?" Saen was angry hearing the words Kao was telling his favourite son. He rushed over to Alan and took his side.

"As far as I am concerned, I only have three brothers. That is Oreo, Boun and Ohm. As for the other person..." Kao got up and glanced at Alan. "He died for me a few years ago."

The moment Kao got to know that Alan had arranged for people to hurt Boun even causing the latter to be kicked out of the family, Kao had decided to end all his brotherly feelings for Alan.

"Kao, how long are you going to behave like this to your brother for a pervert like Boun?" Saen asked.

Kao laughed like he had heard the biggest joke of the century "Pervert? Boun? Even if he is a pervert, he is way better than a man whore like you, Khun Boromwuti."

"Kao, stop it. Talking to people like them is a waste of energy." Ann held Kao back before he could fully blow up.

"Jane, is this how you raised your son?" Saen was shivering in anger. Never in his life had he been insulted like this, that too by his own nephew.

"He didn't say anything wrong, Saen," Mintra spoke calmly. "You are indeed in no position to name-call my grandson."

Saen shut his mouth as his mother spoke.

"Instead of blaming others for not raising their children right, you should worry about not raising yours right. Alan's behaviour at the dinner absolutely let me down today. No matter how much he dislikes Boun, he shouldn't have spoken of him like that." Mintra glanced at Kao.

"Kao, you did a good job controlling your temper in front of the guest. You handled the situation well. Just the way the heir should be." She turned around. "But you have crossed the line by disrespecting your elders. Both you and Alan will receive your respective punishments according to family rules."

"Khrab." Alan and Kao said in unison as they watched the old lady walk away.

After rain comes the clear sky (Kaoearth)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora