65. Call.

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Fluke picked up Kart's phone. The phone had no password, which favoured Fluke's intentions completely.

He quickly dialled the number of the emergency helpline. The call went through after a few rings.

"Swadee Khrab, this is the Chiang Mai Emergency helpline. How may I help you?" a male voice sounded from the other side.

"S- swadee K- Khrab, I am calling f- from St Nicholas High School. M- me and my friends w- were having a p- party here i- in the n- new building and a f-fight broke out." Fluke mimicked Kart's voice, adding a little bit of panic to his voice.

Fluke didn't forget to do the monoact with his voice, making voices that would make it seem like a huge fight was going on there.

"Hello, hello khrab Nong..." the male voice came from the phone when Fluke was only making the background noises. 

"Khrab! they have weapons!" Fluke exclaimed in Kart's voice.

"Weapons? What kind of weapons?" the male voice asked.

"A- a k-knife! They have a knife with them and..." Fluke gasped creating suspense. "Someone got stabbed! There's blood... " he played the video of people screaming on his phone as the background and hung the call.

He then threw the phone back at the seniors. He quickly undid the dressing he did on the wound and took the bloodied cloth along with the shirt that was used to wipe Prem's hand. He glanced at the unconscious seniors and spoke. "I have done what I could. The rest of it will depend on your own fates."

Fluke walked out of the room. He took a polythene cover out of the bag and deposited the bloody clothes into it.

He then took off without hesitation. After getting a bit far from the building, he washed his face and hair which were splashed with blood. He changed into another T-shirt as well.

He jumped over the fence of the school, the same way he came. He sneakily slipped away from the school without anyone noticing.

On his way back, he dialled Sammy on his phone. He knew that she was with Pineare and her other girlfriends.

"What's up, Flukie? Are you back?" Sammy asked as soon as she picked up the call.

"Yeah. I got back this afternoon." Fluke said with a light chuckle. "Sammy, are you busy? There was something important that I wanted to tell you."

"I am not that busy, Fluke. What is it?" Sammy answered.

"Well... a few days ago I heard that there are some videos going around..." 

"Videos? What videos?" Sammy got curious.

"I am not actually true or if it is just a rumour. I heard some boys in our school and even some of the staff got their hands on those videos." Fluke felt guilty tricking Sammy. But since it was for a good cause and he wasn't completely lying, he steeled his heart.

"What videos are you talking about, Fluke? You are making me worried." From the way Fluke was speaking, Sammy knew that there was something wrong with the videos.

"Videos of some students from our school. Especially girls and couples." Fluke replied. Just the thought of the kind of videos he saw in the teacher's collection, made him angry.

Sammy grew quiet. Fluke didn't have to say specifically what kind of videos they were. She could figure it out on her own.

Fluke still continued. "I heard that there are some hidden cameras placed inside places like ladies' locker rooms, washrooms and all. I am not sure if it is just a hearsay or not. but I wanted to warn you."

"Fluke, I will call you back in a while, bye." Sammy ended the call in a hurry.

Fluke smirked looking at the phone. His motive has been achieved.

On the other end, Sammy was panicking.

"Sammy, what happened?" Pineare asked. "Whose call was it?"

"Fluke's." Sammy suddenly held Pineare's hand. "Pine, he just told me that there are videos of girls and couples from our school going around and asked me to be careful."

"What videos Sammy?" Chim, one of her girlfriends asked.

"He didn't specify anything. But he said that they were taken by cameras hidden in places like ladies' locker rooms and washrooms. I am sure that such videos won't be something good." Sammy felt disgusted at the perverted people who would do something like that.

"Hidden cameras?" Pineare's eyes widened. She often changed clothes inside the locker rooms, thinking that there was no one to watch. She panicked upon hearing that there were cameras installed there.

"Fluke said he is not sure, but there are rumours going around that there are a few." Sammy was the same as Pineare. 

In fact, most of the girls gathered there were almost the same. They felt their privacy being violated when they heard about the camera.

"What will we do if the rumour is true and there are actually cameras?" Dally, a short girl mumbled.

"Don't worry girls, we will find a way out." Saph said adjusting her spectacles.

"But how, Saph?" Sammy asked.

"We are going to school tomorrow for our practice. Then we can inspect the toilet and locker rooms" Saph was part of the discipline committee of the school. "All we have to do is, turn off the lights and scan the area with the mobile camera. If there are cameras, its light will be shown clearly in red colour."

"That is an awesome idea, Saph." Chim cheered.

"If there are any cameras, we can report it to the school authorities. I am sure that they won't let anything as important as this slide just like that." Saph concluded.

"But, won't most of the locker rooms be locked tomorrow?" Pineare questioned.

"We can just tell the matter to Achaan Maya. I am sure that she will allow us to do the inspection. She might even accompany us. If she does, it would be easier for us to report it." Saph answered.

Sammy still had her brows knitted together. 

"What happened, Sammy? Are you worried that my plan won't work?" Saph asked seeing Sammy frown.

"No. I was thinking about the videos that had already been taken. If the cameras are really there, we don't even know how long they have been there for, right? All the footage till now would be an enormous amount." Sammy shared her worries.

"I am sure that the school authorities will deal will all that. I don't think that they will let any of those videos get out. If it does, it would be a huge blow to the school's reputation. I feel that Achaan Chinmani wouldn't take the risk." Saph replied.

Sammy was finally revealed. She hoped that everything was just a rumour. She didn't want anyone's life to be spoiled because of those leaked videos. She mentally cursed at the sick people who made and spread such videos.

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