84. Refrigerator lights

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Earth clenched his tummy as he curled up on his bed. He was really hungry. He hadn't eaten much during the birthday party as he had to greet everyone.

Adding to the fact that he was wide awake after midnight, made him feel hungrier.

"It's all P' Kao's fault. If he hadn't taken me to the rink yesterday, I would have slept long ago," Earth huffed. 

He had been reminiscing the memories of the previous night in the ice rink, which made him too giddy to sleep. The previous night had been so dreamy for him that he couldn't just let it slip off and catch up on the sleep he had lost.

Earth got off his bed and opened the bedroom door. As expected, it was dark outside, and everyone was fast asleep.

His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. He glanced at the door across the hallway. It was the guestroom that was been occupied by Kao.

Kao was staying over at his place for the night. Earth had to practically beg his parents to let his boyfriend stay over as it was already late when the birthday party was over and the guests left.

Normally, his parents wouldn't oppose it if he told them that he wanted Kao to stay over at their house. But, ever since Kao became his boyfriend, his parent's attitude changed.

They didn't want Kao to stay over anymore. Even though his parents did give in and let Kao stay, they put forward a condition.

The condition was that Kao had to stay in the guest room instead of Earth's room like he used to, whenever he stayed over.

Only after both Kao and Earth agreed to this condition, did Mac and Darla agree to let Kao stay over for the night.

Earth pressed his lips together, fighting his urge to enter the guest room and cuddle with his boyfriend. His parents had made him promise that he wouldn't be visiting Kao after they went to sleep (the level of trust his parents had in him after he started dating.)

Climbing down the stairs he directly headed to the kitchen. He rampaged through the kitchen racks to find some snacks. But failed to find any. He wasn't that surprised to find the snack boxes empty. His three friends were at his house all day. It would have been a surprise if he found something left in those boxes.

Sighing to himself he decided to check the refrigerator hoping to find some left over from the party.

He was the kind who only entered the kitchen to get something to eat. He did not even know the abcd of cooking despite being born to a family of chefs.

He did try cooking a few times and each time it ended in a disaster. Since then, Darla had banned him from ever trying to cook. She was afraid that her baby boy would hurt himself he tried to cook.

As a result, Earth didn't even know how to prepare instant noodles. In the times he tried to make them, either they were not fully cooked, or they were so overcooked. Either way, they were not edible.

He had left all the cooking to his parents or to Fluke when his parents weren't around.

Earth pouted seeing that the fridge only had some raw materials like vegetables and stuff, which was practically of no use to him in his current situation.


His stomach growled again.

Earth looked down on his hungry tummy and scolded it for being noisy. "Keep quiet, will you? I am trying to find food for you."

His face scrunched in irritation as he looked through the refrigerator. Even though there was no food inside the refrigerator, there was indeed leftover birthday cake.

"Cake, it is." He sighed dramatically.

He never ate more than two slices of cake on a single day. Yet, he was made to eat four slices during the birthday party itself, thanks to his friends and family. Now he was going to eat the remaining cake.

"It is already past twelve o' clock. This is a new day." He said to himself as he took the cake out of the refrigerator. "So, I am not eating too much cake on the same day."

He opened the kitchen cabinet and took a fork out to eat the cake. "Moreover, P' Kao already told me that I would look cute even if I gain a bit of weight. Since he doesn't have a problem with my weight gain, I shouldn't be too worried, right?"

Earth was going on with his monologue when the kitchen light flickered and went off.

"How many times did I tell dad to change this bulb. He always forgets," He mumbled.

He was too lazy to carry the cake upstairs. So, he kept the refrigerator open and sat down on the floor.

He scooped up a bit of the cake and put it into his mouth. "Mmm..." He moaned in pleasure, enjoying the taste of the cake.

Fueled with the hunger, Earth found the cake to be really delicious. He took one bite after another.

"Looks like I caught a cake thief here," a familiar voice startled Earth who was fully concentrated on eating the cake.

"P' Kao! You scared me" He patted his chest. 

"Why are not asleep?" Kao sat on the floor next to his boyfriend.

"I was just a bit hungry. So I~" Earth forgot what he was about to saw when Kao swiped his thump on his lips, wiping the whipped cream on it. His whole face heated up when he saw Kao licking the thump off.

"P' Kao, quit teasing me" Earth slapped his boyfriend's biceps.

"I wasn't teasing you. I was helping you clean your lips," Kao smiled mischievously. "Did I do it wrong? Should I have done it like this?" His hand wrapped around the back of Earth's neck as he leaned forward to kiss the little guy.

He withdrew after a few seconds with a satisfied smile on his face. "The cake tastes really good na."

Earth pouted in anger as Kao has stolen another kiss from him. 

Kao chuckled at the cute reaction. He grabbed a fork from the kitchen cabinet and sat back on the floor. He dug into the piece of cake in his boyfriend's hand.

 He wasn't much of a sweet loving person, still he wanted to keep his boyfriend company.

He was planning to go out for a walk as he was unable fall asleep. When he came out of his room, he saw Earth's room door left ajar.

For a second, he hesitated remembering the promise he made to Earth parents. Then again, he couldn't stop himself from going in. He went in and was a bit disappointed to see the empty bed.

He went downstairs searching for Earth and had found him in the kitchen.

"What are your plans for tomorrow evening, after school?" He asked.

"I don't have any plans, phi." Earth replied.

"How about going on a date?" Kao suggested.

Earth shot up from the floor.

"Where are you going?" Kao asked.

"I had too much cake. I am having a sugar rush" Earth replied.

"So, what about my question?"

"Have I ever said no to going on dates with you?" Earth played a song on Kao's phone and started dancing to it while his boyfriend watched with a smile.

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