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The stadium pulsed with energy by the thunderous roar of the crowd. Cheers erupted like fireworks, exploding through the air, igniting the atmosphere with an energetic and hyped vibe. Each shout, each clap, bounced off the walls, filling the stadium with loud noise.

"Hi everyone." Jieun waved, "I'm Eclipse's youngest member, Kang Jieun. Nice to meet you all." She smiled, making the stadium only grow even louder in cheers. People were screaming, clapping, and in awe seeing her on the big screen.

It was Eclipse's very first public appearance, aside from all the music shows. And although they were rookies, they got one of the loudest cheers from the fans.

"Jisung, Jieun's talking right now." Haechan called out, looking at the tv monitor in their dressing room that showed the live viewing of the concert.

"Okay?" He shrugged, "What am I supposed to do with that information?" Not looking up from his phone as he was busy playing a random game.

"Dang, she's pretty popular." Jaemin raised his eyebrows in surprise, "People are going crazy out there for her. Jisung you have a lot of competition." He was shocked at the loud cheers she got because she was only a rookie, they could all hear the cheers for Jieun from the dressing room.

Jisung scoffed, "We have a dog together, there is no competition."

"Ay ay, look at him. He's not even denying it anymore." Mark smiled, pointing at the tall boy.

Jisung couldn't contain the smile that was peeking out the corners of his lips, his ears turned into a shade of red as well.

He doesn't know where the confidence came from but he was sure with himself that his feelings for the girl was more than a friend feeling. And he wanted nothing more than to be around her and see her little smile that somehow managed to melt his heart every time he saw it.

"She's still on the monitor by the way, if you still want to see her." Haechan informed him, pointing at the tv.

This time Jisung got up and walked over to the screen and saw the girl of his dreams, talking to the audience about how grateful she was for all the love and support her group was earning.

As she was continuing her talking segment, Jisung snapped a picture of her in the monitor to send to her later.

"New wallpaper?" Chenle nudged him with a teasing smile.

"What? No, you weirdo." Jisung shook his head, "I'm going to send it to her later."

"Whatever you say." Chenle patted his back, chuckling at his love struck friend.

Jisung walked back to the couch he was sitting on and sat back down, looking at the picture he just took.

To Jisung, she looked ethereal. Her smile enchanted him, her hair was a little messy from her previous performance but it only added to the beauty she had, he thought.

He heard a whine next to him and he turned his head to see Jiji wagging her tail on the couch next to him.

"Want to see your mom?" Jisung smiled, picking up the dog and putting her on his lap. He laughed when Jiji barked at the picture of Jieun, "Pretty right?"

"Oh gosh, he's in deep." Renjun said to Jeno as the two of them observed their youngest from across the room.

"He's in love~" Jeno hummed, sipping on his coffee.


"Good job girls! You all did so great!" Their manager gave them a round of applause as they walked back into their dressing room after their performance.

The girls thanked him and the rest of the staff as they walked inside their dressing room, the adrenaline starting to wear off.

"That was awesome!" Jieun smiled, still remembering the loud cheers from the crowd and the feeling on stage, "I wish we stayed out there a little longer."

Jia chuckled at the girl and stared at her in adoration, "You had a lot of fun?"

"Yeah, can't wait to get back out there." She responded, the smile never leaving her face.

Jieun loved the feeling of being on stage and wondered to herself why she never thought of being an idol before. She always looked up to the ones on screen but just couldn't see herself performing on stage herself. But now that she actually gave it a try, she couldn't see herself doing anything else.

"Too bad they didn't give us ang collab stages, that would've been fun." Yurin brought up, a bit disappointed that every other artist got a collaboration stage besides them.

"Next time. Let's just get some rest and prepare ourselves for the ending stage." Jiwon said, patting Yurin's back before leaving to get dressed into her more casual clothes for the last stage.

Jieun decided to do the same and grab her last outfit change and headed to one of the curtained rooms.

Her ending outfit was very casual. It was the traditional SMCU Palace tshirt but the stylist made a few changes to it so it would look more stylish. The original long shirt was now cropped and had one off shoulder sleeve. And her bottoms was just a pair of denim ripped jeans.

The outfit was simple but comfortable, which the girl was thankful for. And once she finished changing, she went to one of the makeup chairs as the makeup staff was asking her to get a few touch ups to her makeup.

While the makeup staff was doing Jieun's makeup, the hair staff also did a few touch ups on her hair to make it nice and neat for the final stage.

She popped in her airpods and looked through her music app, deciding on what to play while she was getting her touch ups.

After scrolling for a few minutes, she realized she hadn't listened to the Dreamies' new album. So in the end, she decided to give the new album a listen and put it on loop so she could memorize the songs.

A few songs passed and she didn't realize that her eyelids started to get heavy and the sleepiness would soon take over her. And off to Dream Land she went...


I'm so sorry for the very late update😭

Anyways, I'm sure y'all heard the new album but I still can't pick a favorite song. I keep going back to Unknown and icantfeelanything but Box is sooo good too 😭 Literally a no skip album, once again.

Back to the story, any suggestions?? pls feel free to help me on this😖

Jisung is becoming more and more confident with his feeling and actions towards Jieun. Cutiesss🥰

Accidental Mistake | Park JisungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt