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Jieun left the coffee shop after making eight coffees. Instead of buying coffee at some other shop, she went to her workplace and made it instead. She knew how much her friend likes her coffee, so she went the extra mile and made it herself.

She was now on her way to the SM building. Jieun was literally trembling on the inside of the thought of seeing the seven idols again, especially that one particular member.

You're gonna go inside, say hi to Eunhee, drop off the coffee, and then leave.

In under a few minutes, she stood right in front of the tall building. The walk from the shop was really short so she got to the company pretty fast.

Not wanting to go in, the girl stood in front of the building while thinking about all the embarrassing situations she could possibly put herself in.

Jieun felt like she would be clumsy and drop all the coffee or trip over air and spill all the coffee on herself or on one of the members. Thousands of possibilities invaded her mind, keeping her from walking into the entertainment company.

I'm going to embarrass myself again. Oh my gosh. I can't do this.

Interrupting her mental crisis, someone waved their hand in front of the girl's face, making her flinch in surprise.

Her face flushed at the familiar figure in front of her.

"Oh..hey..uh...Haechan." She paused between each word as she started to feel a bit nervous upon talking to the idol.

Haechan smiled, "Hi, you coming in? You've been standing here for a while."

"Oh! Uh, no I'm not actually going in." She said, not wanting to meet the rest of the members out of nervousness.

"Eunhee said that you were coming though?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I was just going to drop off some coffee for her and you guys. She asked me to bring eight coffees."

"Your work does deliveries?"

"Nope but Eunhee wants coffee, so I deliver." She smiled, "and I'm actually off today, not working."

Haechan gasped, "You're such a good friend, I could never. If we were friends would you bring me coffee if I asked?"

Jieun chuckled and shrugged, "depends."

"Come inside, I'm sure the others would want to talk to you too. You're nice to talk to." He gave her a thumbs up.

Jieun shrugged, "kind of nervous."

"Why? You'd just be with Eunhee and the other members." Haechan looked at the girl.

Jieun looked back, making eye contact, and then immediately looked away, "talking to you already makes me nervous, I can't handle all seven of you together."

Haechan laughed, "We were literally in your cafe a few days ago."

"Trust me, I was shaking the entire time." She shook her head, remembering that whole day.

"Just come inside. I'm sure the others want to talk to you, especially Jisung." Haechan wiggled his eyebrows and put his hands onto the girl's shoulders and started pushing her inside the building.

Jieun didn't even argue or resist to getting pushed inside the building, she was just shook about the Jisung part that Haechan brought up.

"Especially Jisung? What do you mean?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Don't you guys text each other? I swear, every time I see him on his phone, it's always you he's texting." Haechan shrugged.

"We don't text, it's just through Insta Dm's." Jieun corrected him as if there was much of a difference.

"That's literally the same thing. Text, Dm, message, whatever." He shook his head, "Do you like him?"

The sudden question made Jieun choke on air. How was she supposed to respond? I mean, Jisung was her bias after all. She was practically in love with him, well, not like that, but she does look up to him. He was one of her role models and inspirations in life.

"No, of course not. He's cool don't get me wrong! But we barely know each other, you know?" She defended herself in the calmest way she could, which was obvious to Haechan that she was half lying.

They continued bickering back and forth and before Jieun knew it, the two were inside the Dreamies practice room.

The two of them didn't even realize the others were in the room as they were now arguing over random things instead of Jisung. Which was a good thing, since Jisung, along with the others, were watching them both with confused eyes.

"Since when were they close?" Eunhee asked. This was the first time Eunhee seen the two properly interact and talk, she was a bit confused on how they got close enough to bicker with each other.

"They look like they're about to kill each other." Renjun who was a bit concerned shook his head.

"I call dibs on Jieun winning." Eunhee said.

"Nah, Haechan's got this one in the bag." Chenle betted against her.

Before anyone could place money down, Renjun and Mark, separated the two.

Eunhee walked up to her friend with a big smile, "seems like you two are close."

"Oh, please. He was so nice to me outside and now he wants me to bring coffee for him everyday." Jieun shook her head.

"And you agreed?" Eunhee raised her brow in amusement.

"I mean...no." she paused, "but I kind of lost a rock paper scissors match."

Eunhee laughed at Jieun who frowned in defeat. Eunhee was happy to see her grow closer to Haechan. She wanted Jieun to be close to the rest of the Dreamies so they could be one big friend group.

"Here's your coffee, Eun." Haechan appeared out of nowhere, passing out the coffees that Jieun brought. He stole the bag from her a while ago as they were walking to the practice room earlier.

"He calls you Eun?!" Jieun looked at her friend in disbelief.


"I gave her that nickname." Haechan proudly smiled.

"No, I gave her that nickname." Jieun glared at the boy.

Haechan stuck out his tongue, "I made it first." With that, he strutted away.

Jieun crossed her arms, "He has to be the start of the sassy man apocalypse, I swear."

"Oh, trust me. He indeed is." Eunhee let out a chuckle, agreeing that Haechan was indeed the start of the sassy man apocalypse.


Haechan and Jieun's friendship omggg :)

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