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"Are you crying?" Were the first three words that came out of Jisung's mouth when he randomly spotted Jieun in one of the hallways.

Since today was the day she was going to sign the contract, he wondered if something might have went wrong.

Jieun's face was covered with tears, a few little whimpers escaped her mouth, and her breathing was uneven. But regardless of that, she shook her head at Jisung's question.

Jisung furrowed his eyebrows because it was obvious that she was crying. He tilted his head and asked, "Did something bad happen?"

Again, the girl shook her head. Which lead Jisung into even more confusion.

Why is she crying then?

He didn't know what to say or do. He didn't really know how to comfort people besides his close friends or members. He usually gave them a hug and said reassuring words to them. But he wasn't that close with Jieun, as they just became friends the previous day.

Jisung just stood there and looked around, not knowing how to make Jieun stop crying.

Some people passing by, stared at the two with confusion spread on their faces. Some people pointed and whispered, trying to figure out the situation.

Jisung took notice of the attention they were receiving and awkwardly shook his head and moved in front of the crying girl, trying to give her more privacy.

Jieun was being flooded with tons of emotions. She was crying because she was happy but she was also crying because she was sad. She didn't mean to breakdown in the entertainment building but her body had enough of her bottling up her feelings, so she cried.

"Let's go back to the practice room." Jisung whispered to her, hoping she would hear him over her loud sobs.

Thankfully, she did hear him and the two made their way to the Dreamies practice room.

As they walked through the practice room door, they were met with the other members and Eunhee. They were busy conversing with each other but their attention was stolen by Jieun's crying.

"Oh my gosh, what happened to her?" Eunhee immediately ran to embrace her friend in her arms.

"I don't know, I found her crying in one of the hallways." Jisung shrugged.

"Let's give them some space." Mark said as the two girls walked to the other side of the practice room to talk.

"What happened?" Chenle asked Jisung now that the girls were away.

"I don't know. I just went to grab a drink from the vending machine but I saw her crying and took her back here." Jisung explained.

"Poor girl, wasn't she supposed to sign the contract today?" Jeno asked.

The others nodded, remembering the details that Jieun told them the other day.

"What could have happened?" Renjun thought out loud, "I heard some of the staffs talking about her yesterday and it sounded like she was really good. There's no way they would just let her go."

"We'll ask once she stops crying and is more calmed down." Jaemin said, everyone nodding in response.


"Are you all better now?" Jisung asked, as the two girls came back to join the seven idols who sat down in a circle on the floor.

She nodded her head with a small smile, reassuring everyone that she was fine.

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