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Jieun was freaking out, which was now becoming a usual thing for her.

The girl was currently lost in the big entertainment building. She went to use the restroom and now she can't find her way back to the practice room.

Wait a second...was it left or right? Or do I keep walking straight?

The whole place felt like a maze. Jieun definitely looked like she was out of place. She was walking down the halls while looking around with a big frown on her face. Anyone could tell it was her first time in the building.

Jieun couldn't call for help, even though she wanted badly for her friend or one of the Dreamies to pop up and guide her back. Stupidly, she left her phone behind in the practice room with Eunhee.

She made so many turns down different hallways but everywhere looked the same, which did not help the girl at all.

Jieun took another turn and took a breath of relief when she thought she saw the door of the practice room she was in a while ago.

She opened the door to be greeted by her friend and the seven idols but instead was met with a large group of girls in one big line.

Before Jieun could bow and leave, a man called her in the room, "You're late."

Jieun was confused and looked around to see if he was talking to someone else, but nope, he was indeed talking to her.

"Me?" She pointed to herself for confirmation.

The man, who looked like an instructor or teacher, nodded his head. "Get in here, we've already wasted enough time."

"Oh, but I-"

He cut her off, "I don't need your excuses, hurry up and stand in line please." He said with a stern voice, which did intimidate Jieun a bit.

Scared of getting in trouble, Jieun closed the door and walked in the room. She took her place at the end of the line of girls with a terrified look on her face.

"As I was saying before I got rudely interrupted..." The instructor eyed the girl before continuing with his speech.

"Don't be scared, he's always like that." The girl next to Jieun whispered with a small smile on her face.

"He seems very scary, I don't think he likes me very much." Jieun chuckled under her breath, still feeling a bit intimidated from the tone of the guy's voice.

"Someone spilled a cup of soda on him earlier and he's been mad ever since. Mr.Kim's a pretty strict choreographer, so just don't come in late next time." She warned her.

Strict? Choreographer? Next time? All these words made Jieun furrow her eyebrows in confusion and she wondered what she actually walked into.

Did I just walk into a dance lesson? Am I going to be a backup dancer?

She slowly started to freak out again. Jieun wanted badly to say something to the choreographer dude but her mouth just didn't open. She was scared that he would snap at her because it seemed like he didn't like her already.

"Okay, I need four groups of five." The guy said after taking a head count of all twenty girls in the room. "You have an hour to learn the routine that's on the ipads. Decide on a group leader and grab an ipad. We'll present the dance after the hour is over. Now get moving!"

Immediately, everyone started moving around the room and looked for familiar people or friends to work with. Jieun stood there awkwardly and looked at the door, hoping she could escape the room.

Before she could even take a step towards the door, the girl she talked to earlier was already in front of her with a smile.

"You want to join my group? We just need one more person and I think you'd be perfect for our group!"

Being the people pleaser she was and knowing she couldn't ever say 'no' to anyone, Jieun nodded her head with a forced smile on her face.

"Great! I'll introduce you to the girls. Don't worry, they're all nice!" The girl's smile widened. She grabbed Jieun by her arm and dragged her across the room to a group of three other girls.

Jieun being an awkward person, she just stood there while she let the girl talk. The whole situation was just crazy and had her mind spinning.

"Guys, this is...uh...oh! I didn't get your name earlier." She smiled, waiting for Jieun to say something

"I'm Jieun, Kang Jieun. Nice to meet you guys." She gave them a small and polite bow.

"You have such a pretty name, oh my gosh. I'm Jia, Kim Jia. These girls are Song Yurin, Seo Yeseul, and Han Jiwon." Jia said, pointing and introducing each girl. Each of the girls bowed and exchanged their hello's to the Jieun.

"Now, let's get to work. I'll grab the ipad, you girls start warming up." Jia walked away, leaving them to stretch.

Jieun assumed that Jia was the leader or mom figure of the group by the way she acted, her maturity, and her leader attitude.

"You're freaking gorgeous." One of the girls, Yeseul, said with a smile and examined Jieun's face and figure.

"Thank you, you are too." Jieun paused and looked at the rest of the girls, "In fact, all of you are gorgeous." she had a shy smile on her face.

All three of the girls looked like they melted when they saw Jieun's small and shy smile. Her smile was kind of contagious and really brightened up the mood.

"Is it your first day? Did you get lost in the building?" Jiwon asked since Jieun did come in the practice room a little late.

Jieun nodded, "This place is huge. All the hallways and doors look the same too, so that definitely didn't help."

"You'll get used to it. This place is actually pretty small once you train for a few months." Yurin said, "There's usually a map at the end of each hall too."

Train?? Like training? Like a trainee?

Jieun nodded, taking in the new information. A bit after, Jia returned with an ipad. She held the ipad properly and played the dance video they were supposed to copy.

Jieun's hands started to sweat and she started feeling a bit nervous. There was no way she was going to dance, was she? She's isn't even supposed to be in that room.

"Okay, let's do this." Jia put the ipad down and everyone took a certain position, copying the formation on the ipad screen.

However, Jieun didn't move, "Uh, you guys. I'm not really a good dancer and I'm kind of not even supposed to be-"

"You'll be fine! We'll teach you and help you out if you need it." Jia smiled, "Just follow the video and you'll be fine. Let's hurry, we don't have much time."

"Okay.." Jieun sighed and took her spot amongst the four girls. She looked into the mirrors of the practice room and gulped.

What have I gotten myself into...?


Trainee Jieun??😱😱

I also hope you guys had a great Christmas or any other holidays you might celebrate! :)

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