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The small cafe was super busy. There were so many customers, so many orders, so many tables to clean, so many things to make and do. It was insanely tiring but to Kang Jieun, it was just another day at work.

Daeun left about an hour ago after catching up with Jieun and of course, her much needed coffee. Besides, no one makes better coffee than Jieun.

Currently, Jieun was busy calling out numbers of random orders. After successfully handing out all the orders, Jieun made her way back to the cash register. She tidied up the cash register and made sure everything was in the right place.

Just then the bell on the door rang, indicating a new customer. Jieun sighed in frustration and exhaustion. She so badly hoped that no more customers would come in.

"Welcome." Jieun tiredly said without looking up at the customer, still organizing the cash register and the area around it.

"Your head seems okay now."

Jieun immediately froze up at the deep voice and knew exactly who it was. Who else would ask about her head? Plus, Jisung was the only one who saw what happened anyways.

She slowly looked up at the customer and was met with a masked man but she immediately recognized his eyes.

"W-What are you doing here?" The girl stuttered which made her internally curse at herself.

"Uh...coffee?" Jisung pointed at to the menu that had coffee written all over it.

"oh..right..coffee..you've come to the right place then." Jieun awkwardly smiled.

Jisung nodded and scratched the back of his neck before asking, "I also came to check up on you. You never replied to my message. Are you okay?"

Jieun prayed that the blush on her face wasn't visible. She felt her face flush with warmth once Jisung voiced his concern. Inside, Jieun's heart was racing. Her bias from her favorite group, Park Jisung, came to check up on her.

"Sorry about that. I totally forgot to reply...I was going to answer, I swear! I just got a bit busy but I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Jieun lowered her head because she was too shy to make eye contact with Jisung.

Jisung smiled and nodded his head as he understood what happened. If he was being honest with himself, he was a bit sad that she left him on open and didn't respond.

Jisung didn't want the girl to feel uncomfortable with him for some reason and he felt concern over Jieun after she hit her head. In Jisung's mind, he was just worried for his fan and nothing else. Anyone would be worried for their fan right?

"What size coffee?" Jieun asked the boy.

"A small please," Jisung paused, "wait..could you change it to a hot chocolate instead? Sorry.."

"No problem. Anything else?" She looked up at the boy after typing in his order.

Jisung's eyes made its way back to the menu. He wanted something to snack on since he was feeling a bit hungry.

After looking over the baked good options on the menu, Jisung was still unsure on what to get.

Jisung's eyes then focused on Jieun who was looking straight at him, waiting for a reply. Without knowing, a small but unnoticeable blush spread across his face.

"Can you recommend something for me please?" Jisung mumbled but thankfully Jieun heard what he asked.

"Food recommendation? or another drink?" Jieun asked while still looking at him.

"Food recommendation please." He scratched the back of his neck again.

"I usually get a muffin when I get hot chocolate. They taste well together." Jieun recommended, it was her signature order after all.

Jisung smiled, "I'll get that then."

"Would that be all?"

Jisung nodded his head and gave Jieun his card. Jieun took the card and swiped it on the cash register before handing it back to him along with a receipt.

"I'll call the number on the receipt when your order is ready. You can wait at any of the opened tables." Jieun pointed at some of the open tables that were available.

"Okay, thank you." Jisung took the receipt and walked over to one of the tables that the girl pointed too.

After Jisung left to the tables, Jieun nearly collapsed to the ground. Her legs were shaking from the nervousness that was hidden deep inside her. She didn't expect him to come to the cafe to check in on her.

Remember Jieun, he probably came here mostly for the coffee. You are not the main character...he didn't come for you. Stop being delusional.

That's how Jieun tried to convince herself that Jisung was mostly there for the coffee.

Maybe he just wanted some good coffee and she coincidentally worked at a coffee shop, and maybe that's when he remembered the embarrassing incident that happened.

Jieun didn't want to think that Jisung would show up just for her. Would an idol really come to her work just to see if she's okay after hitting her head pretty hard under a marble counter? No right? Idols are busy enough, there's no way he would have time to think about her or let alone even see her.

"He probably needs hot chocolate to stay energized while practicing." Jieun mumbled, again trying to convince herself that she shouldn't be delusional.

However, Jisung who was sitting at one of the tables was wide awake. His leg was bouncing out of nervousness just like the girl was doing a few seconds ago.

She probably thinks I'm weird for checking up on her, right? Did I speak too quietly? She looks a bit tired. Her head must be bothering her still...

Jisung's eyes never left the girl who was busy making coffee and taking orders. He observed every move of hers.

Not to mention, his head was filled with nothing but her for some odd reason. He wondered how she was feeling. He also wondered what she thought of him.

Jisung's mind then remembered the first couple of texts that she sent him and a smile immediately made its way across his face but it was wiped away after he caught himself smiling over the random thought.

Jisung shook his head and sighed, "What is going on with me?"


Accidental Mistake | Park JisungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz