"Mom.. Dad..come closer," Rounan lifted her face and looked at her parents. The first person that should hold their baby after them was their parents. Too bad, Mrs. Chan was not here as the baby decided to come out few days after she returned to Hong Kong. Mrs. Zhang carefully took Yuchen from Rounan and held him inside her arms. She had mixed feeling when the boy was staring straight into her eyes. Thick black hair, black adorable eyes, Mrs. Zhang felt like she was holding Rounan for the first time.

"Hi, Yuchen..," Mr. Zhang wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulder after he noticed her trembling voice. He completely understood his wife as he too was overwhelmed with mixed emotion. It felt like yesterday they just became new parents and today, they were holding their first grandson. It was hard to believe that their firstborn had become a mother and soon to be a wife.

"Ahem, I think it is my turn to hold him," suddenly Aunty Shihan interrupted their moment but clearing her throat, earning the laughter from people inside the room.

"Hey, what about we take a photo of our big family?" Feng Hoaran voiced out the idea to take a family photo inside the room. He then immediately rearranged the couch with the help from his girlfriend, Wang Shuxin. While waiting for the set to get ready, the baby was now in Ming Zhu's arms.

"I think we are good to go. Now everyone takes the place," Feng Hoaran asked for everyone cooperation because they needed to leave the room sooner. With the new parents sitting at the centre of the couch, Mr. Zhang sat next to Wei Ting while Mrs. Zhang sat beside Rounan. The remaining people were standing behind the couch.

"Let me get someone to take the photo of us," Feng Hoaran went outside to get someone for help. At the meantime, Wei Ting helped fixing Rounan's hair and blouse, which his actions were quietly observed by Mrs. Zhang.

"Let me hold him," Wei Ting took Yuchen from Ming Zhu when she wanted to hand the baby to Rounan. Rounan was smiling watching how expert Wei Ting in holding a baby. After all, he had many years of experience in taking care of his nieces and nephews previously. After few minutes, Feng Hoaran returned with one male nurse with blue eyes.

"Sorry for troubling you," Feng Hoaran flashed his dashing smile.

"It's okay, mate," the male nurse winked at Feng Hoaran. It seemed Feng Hoaran had used his handsome face to get the help from gay staff. Everyone was ready for the picture. Rounan looped her arm around Wei Ting's arm and leaned her head on his shoulder. Wei Ting managed to kiss the top of her head before he looked at the camera. The happiness was evident on their faces as they welcoming a new people in the family.


IT had been four days since Rounan gave birth to Yuchen. Now she understood that motherhood was not an easy journey. It could be unpleasant experience and disastrous moments if she had to handle everything alone. Luckily, she had very experienced and hands-on partner which she could not be more grateful than anything else. On top of that, she had very helpful and supportive family.

After breastfeeding Yuchen, Wei Ting would look after him while she was resting. He even helped to bath Yuchen and changed his diapers, which sometimes that Rounan was ashamed of herself for not able to carry out those duties as the mother.

'This is not what about whom can do better in taking care of the child. It is all about team work, Rounan. You can learn it later when you feel much better,' Wei Ting once comforted her when she felt like a failure for not able to change Yuchen's diaper. She knew that Wei Ting was tired as well, but he never complaint. He even stayed up at night with her when she had to wake up in the middle of the night to breastfeed their baby. Now Rounan was putting the socks on Yuchen's cute feet.

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