The flashbacks never left did they?

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A memory, a flashback, the drive ensues with realization of location I have since avoided and familiar roads bringing memories I can't control.

But the story remains, of love's demise, a ticking time.

I'm back there and we're Pulling into the driveway, your fingers grazed through my hair,

Each touch a bittersweet reminder of the love we once shared.

The sensation, once comforting, now sent shivers down my spine,

The burn at my scalp igniting a familiar ache within me, so fine.

Pain surged through every fiber of my being, starting from my head,

And seeping down to my toes as you twisted and tangled my hair, widespread.

Refusing to let go, with each tug, it felt as though you were pulling me further,

Into a pit of despair, my body contorting in agony, a cruel tether.

Amidst the mundane routine of Google passwords and iCloud syncs,

Our journey home had become a battleground for my sanity, amidst blinks.

But on this particular day, as we drove along the scenic route,

Towards the curb where the girls sat waiting with their nanny, in pursuit.

A sense of dread washed over me, amidst the beauty of the surroundings,

A stark contrast to the turmoil raging within, confoundings.

Each passing mile a painful reminder of the life I longed to escape,

As we pulled up, late and bruised, my heart agape.

Their nanny's voice crackled through the phone, her concern palpable,

Even from a distance, yet she couldn't hear the desperation, inescapable.

In my voice, the silent screams that echoed in the confines of our car,

As we pulled up, late and bruised, my older daughter sensed something afar.

Though the details eluded her, her extra goodness that night spoke,

Volumes, a silent acknowledgment of the trauma that had awoke.

In that moment, amidst the chaos and the agony, I realized,

The harsh truth that had been lurking beneath the surface, disguised.

Despite my hopes and aspirations for a better future, deep down,

I knew that someday, I would willingly, inevitably, meet my crown.

At the hands of you, the one who once held my heart so dear,

But now, weight and chains of pain and fear.

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