Give dont take

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When will understanding be the norm?

Ptsd is just a diagnosis and half the time it's used against you.
They'll tell you you can't get anywhere without them
They'll tell you you never achieved anything
They'll tell you all you have accomplished is piggybacked from your abuser
They'll poke and prod at memories locked right away
And laugh when the color leaves you're face
They can tear you to pieces and jiggle them around
Say your acting different when your frown
Take your feelings and throw them in the trash
You never could be anything without them
That job you landed meant nothing
That awesome dinner you prepared won't suffice
The dishes and body aches and picking up toys while bleeding wasn't enough
And you can't take credit for the clean house, it's your job
That promotion, silly
Your kids milestones are never because of you
You were helpless
Your abuser did all the work
You took the easy way
Your stupid
Why didn't you leave
Now your dead
Do you not see ?! We're a society of broken women trying to get mended.
We're trying to take back our fucking trophy's and our life
We're trying to breathe a little and live to see the next night
So next time, you take away her strength and give it to him.
Remember, every word.
Because her road has shortened,
Those words took an oz of her strength away
They made her dim a bit
And in some cases, your words cut her so deep she believed them with every oz of her heart
And that was the last crack in her close to breaking soul.

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