Dont do it

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Sophia -Royal Crest

When I reach our room it's mid morning. I'm pondering on the bond coming back tomorrow. I need to speak with Harry to see the exact time I can expect it to kick in. I will know how I want this to pan out then.

I remember the phone. "Errrggghhh" I groan. "Do I want to spoil my mood right now? Do I need to see whatever it is? Does it matter now?

I pick the phone up and open my messages. There's a couple from Dan, my father and then the 4 from the unknown number.

I click on them and then I throw my phone back on the bed and pace the floor. Why can't I just press delete and think fuck it. "If it's what I think it is, I will see it all when he marks me anyway. It's not a matter of if, it's when. I feel like marking him now and we aren't even bonded so I know there's no chance of holding back like I originally thought. For me anyway.  If we can somehow stop him from marking me until such a time that I feel more settled then he might stay alive for for a little while longer.

DONT DO IT!  DONT DO IT!  I Repeat.  I grab my head in my hands and rock back on my feet whilst sitting on the bed.  Fuck's sake.

I reach back to the phone and pick it up.  I open the message again and look at the still of whatever the video content is.  It's them just as I anticipated.  I throw the phone back on the bed before picking it up again. 

I dial Harry, he's delighted to hear from me.  He tells me that it would have been dusk when the ritual and potion were given to me by Martin so I can expect it to return at this time. 

After filling him in on everything sans last night we wrap up the call and I promise to call him once the cat is out the bag or the wolf in our case. He loves a bit of gossip I realise and it makes me love him more.

Next I go straight to Dan.  He teases me and we banter for a while.  I'm Earth trash now and I can hear Lucy scolding him in the background.  "I've got you sister" she says before slapping him round the head I presume.  The whole thing has lightened my mood thank fully. 

Next it's on to mum and dad.  They are preparing to hand things over to Dan.  It's such a bitter sweet moment but one of the first trips they plan to make is here to see me so that lightens the mood yet again. 

We discuss the new wolves that have joined Royal Crest and what I can do to better serve them as they offer me sound advice over the phone. They aren't surprised that Theo is my Gamma, quite pleased in fact knowing how strong he.  By the time we're finished I'm ready for another snooze I feel so drained. 

I put the phone back on the bed and stare at it.  Fuck it I'm a sadistic bitch. 

I open the message once again. The first video I see they are fully clothed so I go to click on that one.

God I want you so bad, she tells him.  She looks up at him with fake innocence written in her eyes and I can see Enzo's resolve snap. Cara, about that, he says patting the bed next to him.  The King thinks it would offer great prosperity to our future and the Pack if we waited until our ceremony to mate.

I feel a sense of pride knowing that even back at the start the king had my back.  He was trying to put a hold on them whilst he figured things out.  Enzo must have had some of his mind still under control for him to ask her to wait.  I take a deep breath and press play again.

she whimpers and Enzo flinches in pain "Please Enzo" she says, I can't wait, I think I'll die if I can't have you tonight".

I scoff, you can see how fake this whole thing is it's ridiculous. 

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