Justice HQ

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Enzo - Royal Kingdom

As soon as Sophia closes the bathroom door I pull the duvet back to look at my crotch. I hope with everything that she's left some trace of her arousal on my boxers and to my delight I'm not disappointed. I decide that I am never washing or chucking these boxers out. I'm over the moon.

I feel Reme and Blaze in my head. God's it's such a special feeling. It's like gaining another wolf, she's sassy as well as beautiful. She sends me warmth through the bond and I smile in gratitude.

I can't make head nor tail of what's happened over the last 24 hours. All I know is I'm deliriously happy and quite possibly the luckiest man on earth. In fact there's no doubting it i am without a shadow of a doubt. If this is some sick joke I'd still be happy knowing that for 24 hours I made her happy.

Remembering I have to Iron my Angels uniform, I jump out of bed and set the board up. I take her uniform off the hanger and before I know what I'm doing, I rub the fabric all over my chest. It satisfies me knowing she smells heavily of my scent. As I'm finishing up and admiring my handiwork she comes out with a towel wrapped round her.

"It's free for you Enzo".  I nod at her smiling widely at the sight before me waiting expectantly. 

After a moment she looks from me to the bathroom door ushering me along.  "Oh" "Whoops" she says. "One moment" remembering our shared eco pact as another huge grin forms on my face.

She takes todays clothes back in to the bathroom and comes out looking like the ninja I am used to seeing. She hands me her towel before checking me out. I smile back pleased that she's looking at my body seductively. 

"Would you like me to Iron you a T-shirt?" she asks. "It's the least I can do". I kiss her cheek, "thank you Angel, I would love that".

Once showered I return to the room just as she's finished braiding her hair. I lift my T-shirt off the rack and bring it to my nose noticing that her scent covers it. I wonder if she's done the same as I did to her uniform?. I hope that she wants her scent to cover me for the same reasons I do her.  To let everyone know she's mine, I hope that's what all this means. She gives me a soft little smile, I'm sure she can sometimes sense my thoughts.

We decide this time to take the magical lift. Sophia is keen to run through the remaining pieces of evidence with Daniel. They want to make sure they have some ace's up their sleeve just in case things take a U turn. Very doubtful I think. The memories I have are far more shocking than I have described to the others.

If needs be I will detail out every sordid, spiteful, cruel thing that putrid bitch has done.

We walk along a never ending corridor. The steel door sits and the end like something out of a human horror movie. When we reach the screen, Sophia scans her face and the AI says "Welcome
Sophia Justice" "hand to the King. I chuckle as she raises her brow in question. "Game of Thrones" I say and she shakes her head with a knowing smile.

Daniel is sat at a huge table surrounded by white boards full to the brim with notes. He hugs his twin on her approach, giving her a wide smile.

That same smile falters for a second when he sees me behind her. He covers it up quickly and shakes my hand. I wonder if he thinks I'm not good enough for her? I wish he knew just how much respect I have for her. I will be the best damn partner she could ever possibly want and Reme yips in agreement.

I tell them both that I'll sit quietly until they're done. I find this sort of thing fascinating so I'm in my element watching them work. I can see why they're so successful. I can't keep up with half of it and I'd like to think of myself as half intelligent.

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