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Enzo - Royal Crest Pack

I startle awake flying up in bed like I was falling. I rub my temples and let out a sigh. I'm soaked with sweat. My Father suddenly comes careering through the door. "What the fuck dad" i say. He looks relieved for a moment. "shit son", I felt your distress through the bond, "with your mother away we have gone in to full protection mode" he says. I nod sympathetically before he moves to sit on the edge of my bed and his eyes bulge when he sees the state of my body.

"What can I do to help" he says. I take a deep breath and breath out through my mouth shrugging my shoulders. "Let Remi heal you son" please, he begs.

I have scrubbed my body raw over the past couple of days. I can't help myself. I've showered every couple of hours with bleach, soap and just about every cleaning product going. My nails are raw. My scalp, every part of my body is raw through scrubbing. I've gargled human liquid antiseptic until it's all I can smell and taste.

"Son" I look up at my farther. "Let him heal you" he says with more authority this time. We are leaving for Solar shortly so I guess I don't have much choice in the matter. I nod to him and let Reme do his work. I feel undeserving of his energy but I have to hold up some form of dignity and strength as Alpha of the Royal Crest when visiting my uncle.

I watch as my skin heals in front of us. In a few shorts minutes I'm back to normal. My father smiles and ruffles my hair. "That was for Reme". he says. I send thanks to them both for helping me. "Son we leave in an hour" Lucas is dropping us at the airport, Harry has sent his private portal craft for us. That's something I suppose, I think smiling back at him.

Lucas and Jennifer swing by when I'm putting the last of my outfits in to my case. I notice he is clad head to toe in my old clothes. " I guess you got first dibs on my stuff then eh?". Jennifer rolls her eyes. "He was like a kid in a candy shop" she says. "Not True" he says nudging her. I laugh for the first time in days. "You look nearly as good as I did in that suite Lucas" i say.

He checks himself out "babe" you said I looked more handsome" he asks Jennifer who giggles. "Of course I did" to me you will always be the most handsome wolf in existence"she says and a shit eating grin covers his face. I turn back toward the wardrobe to hide the envious look on my face. I'd kill for that wholesome all consuming bond they share. Looking back on my short relationship with Cara, apart from the sex their was no depth what so ever. I was completely blinded.

"Alpha, I just wanted to run through a couple of things to sort out whilst we are in charge", Lucas says. "Fire away mate" I say sorting through my boxers and socks for the trip. "The tree felling is happening on Friday right"? "Correct" I say. "The office renovation starting the same day?" Yep, i confirm. "Your bathroom remodel on Thursday?" Yes I say turning to them both. Jennifer is making notes and I smile at how seriously they are taking their new found responsibilities. I have spoken to the head of the interior design team and they will be here tomorrow redecorating the hall and foyer. They know what to do, I say. Otherwise it's business as usual I say. "When you get home Enzo, there won't be a single part of this pack house that will hold any reminder of what went on here over this last few weeks" Lucas says seriously.

I give them both a genuine smile. I want to thank you both, for everything. This past few days have been bearable because of your support. "I'm sorry I let you down prior to that". They both shrug off my apology. "Your kidding right?" Lucas says. "Your the strongest guy I know". "What happened wasn't your fault Enzo, please never forget that" Jennifer says.

We reach the Airport a little while later and I give Lucas a big hug goodbye. I couldn't ask for a better friend or Beta and I need to make sure he knows that in the future. "Lucas?" NFL and beers when I get back?" He smiles, about time, he says chuckling.

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