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Sophia - Justice Oaks

We swing through the gates of my childhood home, Enzo is looking around in awe. "It's so different from my lands Sophia". "The complete opposite". "It's beautiful" he says.

When the pack house comes in to view I hear his thoughts "jeez" and I have to agree my family pack house is something else. A huge grand almost palatial building surrounded by tropical trees and plants. It's much like the magical forest in the kingdom around here.

The car pulls to a stop and Daniel is getting out before the wheels have had chance to stand still. He rushes at Lucy and swings her around in his arms, and waltzes her off inside. Enzo and I look at each other with knowing smile's. It's such a sweet moment. 

I mind link my father and mother "please be nice" I say just as a last minute thought. They have assured me they're ok with this so I take a deep breath and pull Enzo with me from the back seat.

We walk towards my father, who takes quick steps towards me before grabbing me and swinging me around like a child. I catch my mother smiling behind him "baby" she mouths. Making me giggle.

I take a step back from him and take a deep breath. "Mum, Dad" this is Enzo and for good measure I add "My Mate". That's what we have chosen to be regardless of the fact that we actually are.

Enzo looks down at me proudly, "say it again" he whispers and I smile. My father comes forward to grasp his hand and welcome him. I notice his grip is possibly a little too hard but I can't do anything about that.

My mother however, is a little more frosty. She can barely manage to put together a smile for him. I am sure he notices something is wrong but gives them the best greeting he can muster.  I can hear how important this first impression is to him.  He looks toward me and I smile trying to reassure him.

I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. What he did to me was inexcusable but at the same time also unintentional. He was a victim too and I'll have to keep reminding them of that.

The more time I spend with him, the more I realise that he's near damn perfect, for me anyway. So I can't bare the thought of anyone causing him pain. God's knows how I will want his suffering and pain when we bond. I shake the near constant thought off and try to enjoy the time we have here.

My father ushers us "kids" up to our suite. He can't take all the hormones he says laughing to himself. We have a welcome home BBQ planned tonight and a pack run. I tell Enzo, Reme better not mate Blade when my family is around and he laughs. "I'll see what I can do" he looks dreamily and then cringes. "Might be difficult" he says and we both full belly laugh.

As we make our way to my door, I realise the last time I was here, it was a different story. I was miserable and in pain. I take a deep breath before I open the door and Enzo whistles. The light sage panneled walls and exposed brick work surrounding the fire work perfectly against the vaulted beams in the ceiling. It's much the same style as he likes but the best I could work with in such a palatial house. "It's beautiful Sophia" "much like you" he adds.

When he sees my bed he stills. He knows this is where those photos were taken. I expect those images have been burned in to his retina.

"Fancy a little nap?" I tease. He smiles and nods. I strip off naked and notice he is stood behind me with a painful hard on. He cringes "sorry Sophia" I can't help it. I smile "I would be disappointed if you didn't" "now get in this bed so I can lay on your chest" he's now practically ripping his clothes off his body before rushing over to lay down. I straddle him before settling in to his chest. He starts to rub circles and patterns all over my back and a few moments later I drift off already feeling better about being in this bed once again.

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