Loose ends

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Sophia - Royal Kingdom

Daniel and I are in the holding cells interview room with a very remorseful Raine. 

Too late for that I think to myself. 

We have asked her several times as to why she didn't let fate play it's natural course before meddling in her sons life.  She just kept repeating the same thing - she couldn't bare to see her son so lonely. 

"He's an Alpha" Dan says, he would have coped. 

There would be a reason he had to wait for his fated Dan says.  She shakes her head.  His fated is dead she says.  We both look at each other in shock.  He felt the bond snap she tells us.  "That doesn't mean his fated is dead" I say.  It could mean anything!  I'm getting mad at her now.

I felt I was doing the right thing for him. I start to laugh hearing this.  "Great judge of character Raine" Cara was just a delight, I say sarcastically.  She starts to cry again. 

It turns out Raine had met Cara on one of their visits a few years back just as I thought. Cara had given her a whole sob story about being widowed.  Raine felt that she might be a good match for Enzo and the rest is history.  She wasn't expecting Cara to blackmail her and before you know it she was in too deep to back track. It's ironic that they decided to set the ball in to motion at the same time I was ready to find him.

"You have destroyed your sons life" I say.  "He will never find proper happiness now".  She sobs again.  "His fated will hate you too I spit".  "He won't ever meet his fated, I told you she's dead".  She says.  "If I wasn't 100% sure I would never have entertained the idea of setting him up with someone else. 

I throw the pictures of my battered and bruised body in front on her.  "As I said" his mate is very much alive.  She doesn't know it's me yet but she now knows he has a mate is. 

She stares at the photos, picking each one up, her bottom lip wobbling. I can see her gulping back bile. Good I'm glad she feels sick. Just like I have felt since the pain started.

She starts to shake her head. No, No, No, No, in denial of what I am showing her.  She knows it's betrayal bruises.  She continues to hold her head in her hands whilst rocking back and forward, repeating her mantra NO, NO, NO, NO.

"It wasn't his mate dying that he felt" I say as she looks back up.  "It was his mates bond going in to hibernation".  She starts with her shaking head shit again and I snap "I WAS FUCKING COMING FOR HIM!"  "ONE MORE FUCKING WEEK RAINE AND I WOULD HAVE CLAIMED HIM!" "HE NEARLY KILLED ME" "LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID TO MY BODY!" "ILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM AND ILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! i spit my venom at her letting the truth finally spill from my lungs.

She's lost it now rocking herself back and forward like a crazy person trying to grab me to say sorry.  Screaming for the life of her boy and what she's now sentenced him to.

I pick up the photos and we leave her.  She's in enough pain now.  She will be sent back to Royal Crest under house arrest for however long the King feels it appropriate once the trial is over.  It would most likely kill Leon's wolf and cause him great pain if she was held here. 

I'll never have anything to do with that women. I hope she suffers for the rest of her life after ruining two peoples lives. All for fucking grand pups. Selfish women.

"On to the next one" Dan says.  We have something spiteful up our sleeves for Cara.  He passes me the vial of liquid and I rub it into my neck and wrists.  He smirks at me as i give him a wide smile in return. 

Although she doesn't know it she will be sentenced to death at her trial later this week.  Her crimes include murder, forcing rape and I think back to my conversation with the king this morning....

Enzo, just called.  Blade perks up hearing this, her tail wagging at high speed.  He said he's had more visions of her memory.  I cringe.  "She had a baby and left it for dead outside nearby pack-lands" he says. My hate for her intensifies.  "Not only that but he had a vision of her giving she wolves the heat potion".  "It resulted in many of them being raped".  "I think it's fair to assume  after the pup is born she will be sentenced to death if our council have an ounce of compassion", he says.  Which of course they do in abundance, I think.  Well Enzo you might have your wish after all. 

Back to the now, we head to the interview room she is being held in.  "Hello sweet Cara" we both say in unison.  She sneers at us.  I used to think she was pretty but seeing her now she is quite the opposite.  Just as we sit down, she starts to sniff the air, her wolf comes forward "mate" she says" one of you has been near my mate". 

I smirk.  Which one of us?  she sniffs and her eyes land on me.  Well that's odd, the only person I've been near is my boyfriend.  In fact I've just been home for lunch with him, although I can't say we did much eating I say with a dreamy look in my eyes.  "What that guy can do with his hands, and tongue, hmmm I say.  Oopps, sorry back to the question.  I say.  She is looking at me with red hot fury " YOU FUCKING BITCH" she says before launching at me.  Dan catches her before she gets near me and I laugh, I laugh so hard that she thinks I'm just as unhinged as her.  Check mate. 

We will see you at the trail Cara I wink and she sits crying and wailing for her mate. 

As if she'd ever have a mate, Dan says.  I can't imagine the gods making anyone evil enough for her but it's enough to know that she thinks i'm fucking her man.  I say to Dan.

With a spring in my step we head back to our suites at the palace. Although I said I'd never come back here I find myself staying in Enzo's quarters here in the Kingdom, under the Kings direction of course. I know he is trying to bring us together.

I do find it comforting being around his things, it makes Blade happy so I go with it. 

Dan is keen to get this trial over with so he can get back to his own mate and start his new life.  I'm jealous that he will always get to stay at Justice Oaks. 

I wonder if Enzo would like my homelands I think before shaking off the idea.  I can see Reme and Blade running through the tropical forest together, she yips in my mind and I smile thinking about Reme.

I am not sure if he will accompany his father to the kingdom for the trial, if it was me I would want to see Cara's demise so I suspect he will be here at some point.

I wonder if the King knows this, he hasn't said anything about me moving to different chambers.    A wave of disappointment hits me from Blade, I guess he might not be coming to the trial after all.

Blade encourages me to pick out one of his sweat shirts to wear, I chuckle.  The three that were left here, all have my scent on now but I can still smell him mingled in within the fabric. 

I have a few hours before we are meeting Harry, as he now insists I call him in private. 

He has booked a private room in his favourite restaurant here in the Kingdom.  He says we deserve it and I have to agree. 

I pick out a large green sweatshirt which is like a jumper dress on me.  Shimmy out of my combats and put on my fluffy knee high bed socks.  I look ridiculous but I don't care.  It reminds me of home and I need that right now.  I turn on the large log burning fire opposite the bed and I choose an E book from my wolvern library and pop my headphones over my head. 

I mind link Dan to ask if he will link me in 2 hours to wake me up.  He chuckles back "sure thing pit monster". 

Smiling, I relax back on to the bed and close my eyes.

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