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The king was in his study while Alias, his personal guard stood behind him. He heard a sound and turned around only to find Edward plunging a dagger into Alias heart.

"Edward! What have you done"? He exclaimed. Just when he was still talking, the chief royal advisor came into the study. There was a horrified expression marred on his face.

"Father, he tried to harm you" his ten year old son said.

"He is not who you think he is" Edward explained.

The advisor came to take a closer look . Alias was in pain and black vein were popping around his body.

"Bloody hell. The dagger was poisoned my Lord. The effect is strange" Advisor Lionel explained as he watched Alias. Alias fell on his knees with the dagger still intact in his chest. He began to change in appearance to something green and ugly.

"What..what..is..happe..ning.to.me"? Alias grimaced.

"What is he"? The king kept his gaze fixated on the transforming Alias.

"I wonder, I've never seen this thing before. But I think I've heard of these beings. I'm not sure what are they called again. Green and wrinkled skin, black eyes, long black nails..yeah I remember. They are called trolls, creatures from the pits of hell", said advisor Lionel with a grim expression.

"It still baffles me how your son could identify one" the advisor gave Edward an amused look.

They were interrupted by the troll who soon began to disintegrate into dust particles.

"You"! He pointed at Edward.

"What are you? What did you do to me? I am going extinct" the troll glared at Edward before he finally said; "You cannot stop us" and began to laugh and vanished.

The three people in the room stared at the empty space which once contained a creature. They were lost in their thoughts before the king broke the silence.

"Edward my son, you saved my life today". The king crouched down to meet Edward's gaze.

"Come here" he opened his arms and Edward's stepped forward to be wrapped by his father's arms.

"Are you okay"? He whispered and Edward nodded.

"You must've been terrified" he patted Edward's head gently.

"My son is smart and brave. You are going to make a great king". Th king finally let go of Edward and stood to his feet.

"You can head back to back to your room. You saved my life and the kingdom, I owe you a great deal. In the future I'll grant one of your wishes...but, don't go around plunging knife at people. Understood"?

"Yes father" Edward nodded and left the study.

When he was out of sight, the chief advisor, Lionel finally spoke.

"He's too smart for a ten year old child"

"It worries me, but then what can I do" the king sighed.

"The troll talked about going extinct, what do you think he meant"? Asked Lionel.

"I think it has something to do with the person who stabbed him" answered King Mirtingle.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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