CHAPTER 10 Your Name

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     We left the restaurant and were about to mount the horse, when he brought out his phone which was making a vibrating sound.

 "Stay here, don't go anywhere. I'll be back in a jiffy" he said and dashed out, leaving me at the front of the restaurant with Cindy(my horse).

   I stood there, waiting for him, and momentarily he was back. He walked to me and brought out a box.

"Here, for you" he said as he handed me a box. I was astonished by his action. He was doing another thing no one has ever done for me, he was giving me a gift. I opened the box, lo and behold, before me was a phone. It looked as same as the one he has.

"Oh my God"! I exclaimed and jumped on him, enveloping him in a tight embrace.

"Thank you" I said as my eyes began to water with tears that were forcing their way out. I unclasped from the embrace and looked at his face.

"This is the first and best gift I have ever received in my life. And you are the first person to ever gift me something, especially today being my birthday" I said tearfully. He looked at with with an unfathomable gaze. Something lingered in his eyes, was it sadness. I don't know,but I could feel an Aura emitting from him. It was a strong emotion. We gazed at each other intensely, until he lifted his hands and caress my face, wiping my tears with his thumb.

"Don't cry. It breaks my heart" he said calmly.

"They are tears of joy" I smiled admist tears.

"How could they treat you so badly" he said calmly, but I could feel the dark Aura which he now emitted.

"They'll pay" he said with clenched fists and for the   first time, I saw him show emotion. The atmosphere was tense and there was bloodlust. His Aura was so dark that the hair on my skin stood up. I could hardly breathe. At this point he felt pernicious and there was this alarm in my head, telling me to run. But instead I enveloped him into a warm embrace and closed my eyes. After a while I opened my eyes and looked down at his fists,they were slowly unclenching.

"I'm sorry for frightening you" he apologized and unclasped my arms from his waist.

"Let's go" he now spoke with an impassive voice which was different from the tone he used not long ago. Well, let's say he returned back to his usual  imperturbable self.

  He walked past me to the horse, and I followed suit, putting the phone back into the box and then into my cloak. We mounted the horse and continued the journey, this time none of us uttered a word. Finally a celestial building came to view.

"We are here. That is your Home" he finally spoke.

"" I  gasped at the full sight of the  castle, it was magnificent. As we got closer, I was thrilled.

My excitement was cut short by the abrupt stop of the horse.

"Why are we stopping"? I was startled. He got down from the horse.

"You can continue this journey on your own. When you get there, take off your cloak and that is your access in" he said and turned to go.

"Wait! What is you name"? I asked, but he was already gone.

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