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She introduced herself to him and apologized for the snowball she had accidentally thrown at him. He wanted to introduce himself, but for the first time in his life he found himself a bit shy. She was smart, bold and eloquent. when he finally decided to speak, he was interrupted by a blonde haired boy who called out to Eleanor as he stood beside her. Edward could see the vigilance and how the boy gauged him unhappily. Eleanor later introduced the boy to him and he learned that this boy was prince Clinton Ford's, prince of Ingresh.

The triplets materialized in front of them and all wanted to play. He was invited to join them to his surprise. Edward was a bit puzzled that they had invited him to play with them, afterall people avoided him like a plague. By looks, he knew the triplets were about six years of age and the girl about nine years, the boy somewhat his age. When Clinton brought up the issue of him being the cursed prince of death, he felt uncomfortable though it wasn't beyond his expectation. What if they abandon him like everyone else and scurry away in terror from him? While he was still thinking, Eleanor waved off the rumor like it was nothing.

The game began and Eleanor and Clinton took off to different directions, leaving him no choice than to follow Eleanor whom to him was friendlier than the rest. He saw her run down an empty hallway before hiding behind a tall flower vase. He ran over only to see her resting against the wall with her eyes closed and her chin up as her head found support against the wall.

She looked like an Angel with her eyes closed.

Her long lashes rested on her flushed cheeks as she inhaled and exhaled heavily due to the running. He sat beside her and couldn't help but keep staring at her face which had become Serene and her heavy breathing had quieted.

Her butterfly lashes fluttered open and she abruptly turned her head to face him, her face now a few inches away from his. He noticed the shocked expression that came to pass across her features before she finally spoke.

"You scared me" she sighed.

He apologized to her and finally introduced himself to her. This led to a conversation and whilst they talked, he once again observed how peculiar her eyes were, a rare color of ocean blue, then he found himself blurting out blurting out a compliment which resulted in him receiving a wide grin from her.

But then, she asked him the one question he dreaded the most; "Are you really the cursed prince of death"? It seemed it piqued her interest.

According to rumors he heard, when he was born, there was a mass death. Many Noble and outstanding people in Greenmark passed away on the same day he was born. It was on a full moon and the moon was dyed blood red. It was said that evil thrive on a blood moon day. Then it was rumored that the birth of the prince brought nothing good instead; it brought a huge loss to the kingdom. It was supposed to be a day filled with Felicity and auspiciousness, instead; it was filled with sorrow and mourning.

There was even a rumor on a prophecy about a prince who would be born with a curse of death, he would wield formidable powers and would bring destruction to the world, unless he found life.

Everyone believes he is that cursed prince of death.

"Do you believe I am"? He asked Eleanor.

He wouldn't really try to prove those speculations and assumptions false because he knew he was strange. He at times found himself in the land of the dead. At this young age, he already had blood on his hands. He had killed a strange creature whom had tried to harm his father, the King. This creature had disguised himself into one of his father's most loyal men and carried a poisoned dagger with him, waiting on the best opportunity to stab the King. The king was not aware, though he was always on alert.

The king never suspected that Alias, whom was his most trusted body guard was no longer the same Alias whom was with him.

Edward had come into the room on instinct, only to find a green looking creature surreptitiously pulling the hilt of his dagger to stab the King. He ran to the creature like the bolt of a lightening, took the dagger and stabbed it instead.The king, his father turned around with a petrified expression.

"Edward! What have you done"? He exclaimed.

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