CHAPTER 20 Prank

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" That's not good " Tinah complained sadly.

" you really have to remember us, Sister " Ginah sulked.

"It's okay girls, I'll try really hard. Just give me some time " I said.

" Okay " they chorused.

" C'mon let's show you around " Dinah came forward and tugged my arm.

" Alright " I obliged. They chattered merrily as we made our way through the hall. They whispered something to each other and giggled.

Why did this event look like it was repeating itself. Like it has occurred before. Something is telling me that there's something going on.

" What is this conspiracy going on "? I paused to face them. Their expression held something mischievous. Why does it seem they're trying to perpetrate something evil. I narrowed my eyes on them, as if trying to read their every expression, not breaking my gaze from theirs.

" Speak girls " I said with a grin expression. Dinah came forward and held my arm.

"Fine, you win" Dinah finally spoke in relinquish.

" Did I ever say I was playing a game"? I asked.

"Come on sis, you don't have to be that strick. It's just a prank " Tinah said and their composed expression switched to a mocking one.

" Um, we gotta go. I hope you enjoy our welcome prank. Bye " Ginah spoke and that's when I understood. Oh my god! I was pranked.

I looked around and found myself in an empty hallway.

" Stop, you win. I promise to remember " I pleaded but got no response.

How do I get back to the hall? I don't know this place, but I guess this is part of the palace. I began to walk down the hall. It was quiet and eerie.

" Anyone here"? I hollered, but my voice resonated through the empty hallway. Torches were lit at the sides of the corridor but they weren't bright enough to fully illuminate the corridor. My feet paded along the floor, threading carefully as I held the Hem of my gown to make walking easier.

As I looked at the walls of the hallway, I came to notice some drawing. I stopped in my tracks when my eyes caught sight of the particular drawing on the wall. I went closer to take a look at it. My hand traced the child-like drawing on the wall. Some images flashed in my head , making it ache terribly and I whimpered in pain. The echoes of child-like felicitous laughter resonated in my head and I crouched to the ground, my head still aching terribly.

When the aching became bearable, I stood up and straightened my dress. My eyes snapped back at the drawing and I inches closer to it, looking at it with a scrutinizing gaze. It was a stick- like drawing of two children holding hands and next to it was the drawing of three other figures with smiling faces.

These figures and the flashes of some images in my head seems familiar to me. But I don't remember ever living in the palace. If indeed, then there are a whole lot of mysteries yet to be unraveled. A whole lot of hidden truths to be recovered, and most of all, questions to be answered. My hand traced the figures delicately, a smile coming to settle on my lips. Why did this image seem to hold something special? I thought as I stared at the interlocked hands of the stick-like children.

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