CHAPTER 11 The Prince On Stallion

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          I stood there, transfixed to the spot. It happened so fast, he was gone, just like that, vanish into the thin air.

"Stupid, stupid you. How could you not know his name all along? What were you thinking? You met a stranger, travelled a long distance with him, and you don't know anything about him , apart from he's a prince. Argh....." I complained and heaved a sigh of regret.
     I sat on the floor in despair and began to ponder over the turn of events. I recalled the events of the day; how my family and I ate breakfast, how we journeyed to the picnic site, how I was left all alone, how I chased after the horse, found myself in a strangely beautiful place, saw two knights on a duel, was astonished on hearing them call me princess, tried to go back to the picnic site but couldn't find my way, was frustrated and hopeless before Cindy approached me, chased her away but she was reluctant, tried to mount Cindy, was helped by a stranger; journeyed all the way here with the handsome prince, and now abandoned again, just like before. I buried my face in my palm. I was fazed about the shape of things to come, that's life.

    When I met poker face prince, I thought I met a miracle, my hope of survival. But now, he's gone and we are like ships that pass in the night. This has taught me a big lesson 'to never relie on anyone or anything'. Now, I have to be up to the hilt for what the future may throw at me. While  I was still pondering over my situation, something brought back my consciousness.

"Neigh" Cindy cried.

   I lifted my face from my palm, and before me stood a tall black stallion. It's feet were mascular. I only read of stallions in books, but never saw one until this day. According to my knowledge, they are uncastrated male horses. I was flabbergasted at the sight of this stallion, but wait, who could the rider of this horse be? I knew only one person in this kingdom, and that was poker face prince. Could thís be him, coming back for me? I thought. 

"Let me see....." Came a male voice. It seemed to come from the top of the horse. Perhaps, it's rider, I thought. He came down from the horse and crouched to my level. He gazed at me, before lifting up his hand to take the hood covering my face and head off. Then my face and hair came to view. I stared at him with wide eyes and he flinched and covered his mouth with his palm. He looked exhuberant, Noble and like royalty, just like poker face prince. The only difference was that he looked innocent, unlike the devilish looking prince. He was nice-looking, but to me he was nothing compared to poker face. I was still shocked at his reaction. "Did I look ugly? Why did he flinch and cover his mouth. Did I scare him"? I thought.

I sprang up to my feet, not taking my eyes off him. 

"Who are you"? I questioned, but he did not reply.

"What do you want from me"? I asked again.

" This is so absurd" he replied instead and laughed hysterically. I stared at him startled. He soon stopped laughing and rubbed his eyes with his hands, as if to clear something off this eyes, and stared again at me, but this time in horror.

"This cannot be true. I really am dreaming.  Eleanor is that you?"

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