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One could say, if wishes were horses beggers would ride. Perhaps, that saying also applies to dreams. We all have that dream that we hope would become a reality. Mine is far from my grasp, a paradise world. It's under a fantasy that can never be a reality. Do you support my beliefs. Of course, why would you? Anyways it doesn't matter. A naive girl like me, struggling against the battle that is before me, and guess what, I still have time to fantasize.
My name is Eleanor, I'm 18years old, almost 6 feet's tall with silver hair(what a weird color right?) I live with my foster family since I'm an orphan. I love singing and dancing. What else should I say about myself, I guess you'll find out by yourself. Oops I gotta go since today is my birthday, it's a special day to me. So, happy birthday to me.
"What the hell took you so long to come down"! Mum yelled from the kitchen.
"I'm sorry" I apologized.
"You should be, now come over here and make breakfast. I can't believe you're this pathetic" she scoffed and I hurriedly went to prepare breakfast. I prepared breakfast and served it at the dinning. Everyone were all seated at their usual positions. Mike to the left, mum beside Mike, Stephanie to the right, dad at the head of the table, and me right beside Stephanie. I ate quietly as they chatted merrily as usual, leaving me totally out of their discussion. It was a perpetual habit and I got used to it.
"Hey Eleanor, go get me some scrambled eggs" Stephanie ordered. I got up from my seat and made to go get it when dad stopped me.
"Eleanor sit down"! He ordered.
"Now Stephanie you go get it by yourself" he said. Stephanie glared at me, getting up from her seat whilst I sat down.
"Is it a big deal for Eleanor to help her sister"? Mum asked, as those ferocious eyes of hers locked on mine. I knew she wouldn't let this be.
"Stephanie should learn to help herself. Look at her, she's such a spoiled brat. Barely does anything for herself. Eleanor here, Eleanor there. They're both the same age but it seems Eleanor is more mature and responsible than she is. Enough with all this and let's enjoy our weekend. I have somewhere I would love to take you all to, so hurry and prepare" dad ended and stood up to his feet. I cleared the dishes and washed the plates as usual. They all dressed up and so did I.
"Where do you think you're going to"? Mum asked as I walked down the stairs to the parlor.
"Honey let's go, and Eleanor clean the house" she ordered, but was soon interrupted.
"Eleanor will come with us. Eleanor let's go" dad said with finality and I followed them. If eyes could kill, I would probably be dead by now. I swallowed as I avoided the deadly stares that were now focused on me. It was none other than mum's and Stephanie's.

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