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I opened the door and eased my way out of the car.
"What a nice place for picnic" mum praised.
"Indeed it is. That is why I bought some stuffs for this picnic. I kept it in the boot. Sometimes, it's good to surprise you all" dad explained and beamed. There was happiness in the air and everyone could say it was an auspicious day.
"The city is a few kilometers away from here. How about we go have fun and then come back for picnic. It wouldn't be good if a day like this goes to waste" dad suggested.

"Yes, yes daddy. Is it shopping? Would definitely love to go for shopping" Stephanie importuned excitedly.
"Me too daddy" Mike added.
"Then shall we, lovelies" dad agreed and they ran into his arms.
"Wait honey. Someone would have to organise this place for our picnic" mum suggested and turned to face me

"You, prepare this place for the picnic while we go". I blinked countless times.
"Yes...." I said.
"..... alright let's go my lovely husband" she interrupted, pecking dad on his lips.
"..... and my lovely children" she added and embraced Stephanie and Mike, giving them both a peck on their foreheads.
"This place should look pretty by the time we're back" Stephanie blurted before they got into the car.
"Be quick you lazy fool" mum shouted, and I hurriedly unpacked the items from the boot so that they could leave to their destination.
"Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back" dad instructed before they sped away.

I stood, transfixed to the spot as I watched their car disappear from a distance. Why am I always being left out whenever it comes to fun with my family. Anyway, they don't consider me as family. I spread the large cloth on the floor and began to clear away the bushes around. I then unpacked the food items while singing. After I was done, I lay on the floor, gazing at the sky. I waited and waited, still they were not yet back. I decided to have my fun too, so I sprang on my feet.

"It's such a nice day"! I screamed and began twirling and dancing around. In this place I felt as free as a bird. I knew nobody was watching me, so I decided to be myself, childish and immature.
I ran about picking flowers and throwing them in the air. After a while, I went back and sat on the picnic mat. I sighed as I looked at the sky. The weather was hot and I wondered Where on Earth my family went. If only I had a cellphone, I would have called them but they had refused to get me one. I was still lost in my thoughts when something jolted me out of my thoughts. A little distance from where I sat, I sighted a white horse. It was the same white horse I saw on my way here. I stood to my feet and looked at the horse in astonishment.

"Neigh" the horse cried and galloped.
"Huh..." I was dumbfounded.
The horse looked at me, as if trying to relay a message to me and galloped slowly. I took circumspect steps towards the horse. As I got closer, I realized how dashingly exuberant this horse was. This was no ordinary horse.
It looked magical or perhaps I was just daydreaming.

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