CHAPTER 21 Memoirs

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It was the time of winter and the weather was cold. Some kids could be seen outside throwing snowballs at each other.
" Three against two, we sure are gonna win " Dinah hollered.

" We'll see about that" Clinton smirked, turning to look at Eleanor who had a smug smile on her lips. They began stoning the triplets with snowballs and the triplets did the same. The snowball fight was serious, yet felicitous laughters could be heard. Meanwhile, inside the castle a soiree was being held.

The kids were lost in their game that they failed to see the carriage that had entered the palace.

"Stop, stop you win " the triplets heaved for air. Eleanor had already thrown a snowball but instead of hitting the triplets, it hit someone else. It was a boy who had come with his parents. The snowball landed right on his face and slid down. The children who were playing had stopped playing and turned to see who it was.

The triplets ran away and Clinton wanted to, but he turned to see Eleanor who stood like she was frozen, still looking at the boy ahead of them who had very obvious sea green eyes.

" Eleanor come " Clinton tugged her hand, breaking her from the daze and they both ran into the castle.

When Eleanor ran into the castle, she still couldn't fathom what she just felt. There was something about that boy that got her almost hypnotized to his gaze. Like there was a connection. She turned back to see him walk to a woman who dusted his coat and ran her fingers through his hair. This woman seemed more like a queen.

* * *

" Come here Edward " his mother beckoned on him and he ran to meet her. Queen Mia dusted the snow off Edward's coat and ran her fingers through his dark lustrous hair, combing it backwards.

" Now come let's go in " she held his hands and they walked into the castle with his father, King Rein Mirtingel.

The hall was large with golden frost like chandeliers, turning the hall somewhat golden.

" Oh, King Mirtingel. What a surprise " King Icemin Reginald smiled.

" King Reginald, it is nice to see you again " King Mirtingel extended his hands for a handshake, which King Reginald accepted.

Turning to the side his eyes met King Jerkins Fords'.

" It seems someone has decided to remain silent" King Mirtingel's eyes twinkled in amusement.

" It is only right that I speak when it deems fit " King Fords' spoke.

Meanwhile, Edward had slipped away, walking through the hall. There was a little commotion and he went to see what it was about. The three girls with black hair which had a mixture of platinum blonde had pushed down a five step cake and we're being scolded by a woman. Before she could scold them further, they slipped away and disappeared. He turned around to go back and came face to face with the silver haired girl who was wearing a tiara. Her blue eyes staring right into his, as if pulled by a magnetic force before she spoke.

" Hi, I'm Eleanor. I'm sorry for the snowball " she bowed and then straightened herself. No word had left his mouth as he stared at her unblinkingly.

" Hey Eleanor " a boy with blonde hair and brown eyes came to stand next to her, his eyes gauging Edward.

" Um, this is my friend Clinton " she introduced.

" Come on Eleanor, let's go play hide and seek" Clinton pulled her arm, as if trying to get her away from Edward.

" Come on guys let's go " the triplets appeared in front of them.

" Do you wanna join us" Ginah asked.

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