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              They walked towards me and stopped a distance away from me.

      "My princess Eleanor, come here" I heard the man call out. Nobody needed to tell me who they were, from their looks I could tell they were royals.

   The man was the king and the woman, the queen. I walked over to meet them. As soon as I stood in front of them, the queen drew me into a tight embrace.

    "You are welcome my princess. I missed you so much". The queen said emotionally while I was still held in her embrace. She withdrew from the hug, holding me at arm's length and peered at my face.

      "Beautiful as always" Sha remarked.

        "" The King cleared his throat to draw my attention.

         " I am glad that you are back after all these years", he said and patted my shoulder.

          "Today, we shall celebrate the return of our missing princess", he announced and everyone cheered.

            "Is there any word you have for the crowd"?  He asked me.

           "Yes, you haven't spoken a word since we saw you" The queen added.

               I was nervous, I couldn't think of anything to say. All these things still seems new to me. Okay, what should I say to everyone? First point for my speech; they think I was lost and now found, second; they are welcoming me back, and third; they think I am their beloved princess. I think I could make a speech out of these.

          " I am really honored to stand once again before you all. I am grateful for the welcome party thrown in my honor, and I am happy to be finally home. I, princess Eleanor say thank you to the king and the queen and to everyone of you gathered here today". I finally ended and everyone cheered.

  I turned to see the reaction of the queen and king, and they really seemed delighted.

      "Come and take your place at your seat" the king said, and I followed him. We stood before a long step that ascended up to the throne. Three thrones stood far above my head. A very big throne, followed by another (not as big as the first) , and then the third (which was smaller than the other two).

                 We were about to ascend the throne when a question threw me off guard.

       "Is it true the princess has a memory loss"? A  voice hollered  amongst the crowd. The king paid no attention to the voice but just led me up the stairs, followed by the queen.

        The king sat on the very big throne, the queen sat on hers but I stood waiting for an order from the king. That was one good etiquette I cultured while at Artica. 'Do not sit till you are told to' that was one of the rules engraved in my head.

    "You may sit Eleanor" The King said in amusement. I finally sat on my throne and looked down at the guests who had come for the party. I took notice of the dress sense of the people of this place. It was not the same as where I came from (Artica) where both male and female could Wear shorts to any occasion, or girls could wear gowns and skirts above the knee level.

      The people of Erendor dress with a sense of dignity. I felt like I belonged to this place rather than Artica.

         "Today being the day our lost but found princess is celebrated and also the day her nineteenth birthday is celebrated, I welcome you all", Said The King.

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