Chapter 48: The Mystic Of Feminine Prowess

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Chapter 48: The Mystic Of Feminine Prowess

Apartment 73, The Lavatory, The Regalway Towers, Southport, New Jersey.....

      Hot water beat down against the tired and aching yet visibly impressive body of one Ron Hemming as he had elected to get himself cleaned up before venturing off to work. He had an afternoon photo session and knew all too well that there was a new female model who had recently joined the agency. He ignored the fact that the place lacked female staying power with Talia Summers' departure to Greece and focused on making something of a decent impression. He elected to avoid going back to Oliver's in a personal capacity, but he'd been curious as to how he'd react to his interest in the new arrival at the agency. His incidental encounter with Oliver was one of the main reasons he elected to steer clear of him in a physical sense as he had not trusted his dubious Le Ferale instincts to remain dormant when in the handsome thin man's presence.

He'd been constantly at war with them ever since he'd moonborn and it seemed that they were getting the better of him in the new country. Ron placed his hand on the tile as the water continued to cascade down his head and back. His enlarged cock began its unseemly pulsing as the warm water proceeded to slide along his exposed flesh that dangled rather comically between his impressively powerful thighs. He could feel the inevitable heat building in his loins as his inferior blood began to get the better of him.

Ron's teeth shifted becoming elongated and protruding from his mouth in true canine fashion as he hissed in reaction to the continued pulsing of his rapidly swelling appendage. He howled at the sensation as his eyes shifted into the eerie glow of orange that had often accompanied his heated blood's changes. The ailing werewolf continued to howl as he fought to control his wayward urges, as he focused his efforts on showering before exiting the lavatory and getting dressed for the afternoon.

He stepped into the enormous walk-in closet that housed his very many suits and their combinations along with his shoewear. He decided against wearing something that would take a while to undress as he was well aware of the shoot he'd been preparing for. With Talia gone, Corenz had been quite interested in finding a means of pairing Ron with a new female leading model as he'd become obsessed with "recreating the magic" of Ron's prior photoshoots with Talia.

Ron settled for denim jeans and a black muscle t-shirt with black boots as he left his bedroom and ventured out into the living room where he grabbed his car keys and headed out the front door. Savannah had been at school thankfully and he wouldn't have to worry about her for a few hours, leaving him plenty of time to get his work done and possibly stop by the lounge for a drink or two before picking her up.

He took a moment to compose himself, still feeling the effects of his boiling blood before he headed down to his car garage and hopped in his infamous sports car. He took off down the highway and toward the agency building anticipating what awaited him in terms of his new project and the supposed new female star that had joined their collective ranks. He did not doubt that Oliver would have something to say about her, and the direction the company had been taking following the recent success of the more primal ads.

There was also the fact that Richard had hand-picked this new model to join the agency and he'd been gushing over her ever since. He had a feeling she'd make a name for herself as the new Talia Summers or better and most of the others agreed. Ron himself wasn't so sure but opted to see what she was made of for himself before taking Richard's word on it. He was the premiere star of the male aspect of the agency after all, Oliver Lorenz notwithstanding.


The Foremes Modeling Agency Building, Grand Street, Southport, New Jersey.....

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