Chapter 22: An Established Correspondence

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Chapter 22: An Established Correspondence

The Master Bedroom, Apartment 73, The Regalway Towers, Southport, New Jersey.....

      Ron sat at his kitchen table aiming to devour a sandwich he had recently made. He was dressed in another pair of jeans this time dark blue with a black tight-fitting t-shirt that showed off his abs even amid the fabric and white trainers that covered his feet and socks that matched his shirt. He had not seen nor heard much from Savannah since their formal introduction a few hours prior and guessed that she must have been much more exhausted than he anticipated. He, himself was feeling invigorated and well-pleased following his exploits with the lovely maid Julia who had done a splendid job of cleaning his home for him before she took her leave.

The place was clean and quiet, one couldn't ask for much more than that when in need of a haven of sorts. Ron knew all too well what it had been like not to have one, especially in a place like Southport. He had hoped the situation would be resolved when it came to Savannah but it appeared to be something that had no time stamp as more and more bloodsuckers would be desperate to make a meal of her without regard to the damage they'd already done to her.

Ron began eating his sandwich, biting into it in a ravenous manner being that he'd been alone for the most part he saw no need for pretenses.

"Still clinging to the same old notion of brutish habits." said the voice of Marcellus Altomare breaking through the silence and startling Ron once more.

"DA," he said his Irish accent once more returned as he chewed what was left of the bit he had in his mouth.

Marcellus sighed none too thrilled about his son's lack of social grace and forgoing of the basics of etiquette when eating, even alone. The handsome dressed man moved through the living room with ease coming back to the black leather armchair he'd been so fond of the first time around.

"The girl is in the guest room I take it?" he asked with an arched brow.

Ron nodded as he put down his sandwich and washed his hands before venturing toward the living room where his father was waiting.

"Poor thing must have been a shock to her mortal senses to have to endure so much in such a short period," said Marcellus showing a bit of sympathy for the girl of his own.

Ron agreed to that as he'd seen how she looked firsthand. Of course, she had tried ever since then to kill him, but the somewhat truce, they called appeared to do away with all of that at least for the time being.

Marcellus looked around the apartment, he was semi-impressed with the furnishings it seemed. He supposed a bit of him had rubbed off on the wayward Ronan after all.

"Do what you can for the girl and keep her safe," he said turning back to the subject at hand. "I will try and get some information from The Moonlight Counsel about how best to deal with our current situation, until then keep a close eye on her at all times."

"As you wish Da," replied Ron not having the capacity to argue.

While the two men were conversing amongst one another, Savannah had come out of her room revealing that she'd been wide awake and still in search of answers despite the apparent pain they caused her.

She seemed a bit out of sorts and given to melancholy as if her situation was a hopeless one. Marcellus was the first to notice her and watched in silence as she approached them, not a single notion of fear in her heart as she did.

"You must be the werewolf in charge," she said her expression blank and her tone without much emotion as she turned her attention to the well-dressed man with dark hair and a thick but well-managed beard.

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